South Jersey Running: Haddonfield Adrenaline 5k

This past weekend I ran the Haddonfield Adrenaline 5k. Again! Nowadays, I don’t do too many 5ks, but this race is one I picked up at the very start of my running career four years ago and it’s a favorite. It kicks off the start of spring and without a doubt, I’m guaranteed to see my favorite Jersey running family.


Thanks to Brandi for this pic!

These are the local people who were instrumental in my running in the first place (in addition to their counterpart, Vic – my far off running guru). These are the people who comment on my Facebook running posts, without fail. They’re the ones who know about all the local races and dollars to donuts (mmmm, donuts), I’ll see a component of them there. Who wouldn’t want to see these smiling faces all over the South Jersey/Philly area?

My husband began running this race in 2013 and since then, we always stick together. You know him, right? The reluctant runner? 

At 2013 finish line

At 2013 finish line

The night prior, we both made new playlists. Dude doesn’t necessarily like to talk during races. And apparently, he doesn’t want to be talked to either. Hey, he’s running. If he doesn’t want to chat with me, that’s cool.


I asked if he’d like to share his playlist with the fair readers of Scoot a Doot but he declined. Personally, I think he’s embarrassed that he has Taylor Swift on there. Just sayin’.

The day before the race, it snowed in New Jersey. Four days prior to that, it was mid-60s. Out like a lamb, March. OUT LIKE A LAMB. What was the weather race morning?

Ice ice baby. Too cold.

Ice ice baby. Too cold.

Not the 60s we’d been hoping for, however it was warming up quickly, depositing icy plops of snow on us this entire race. Jolting? A little. But also a bit refreshing too.

Just before 9am we said our goodbyes and good lucks to our faster friends. We placed ourselves toward the back of the start corral and waited for the air horn. This race attracts a lot of fast runners; I believe the winner this year finished in 14:30! I wonder how that must feel. Seriously. I’ll never know. But I definitely wonder!

I let him set the pace and put myself a few steps behind him, following along the way. He’s been following a great training plan for the Broad Street 10 Miler and was feeling good about PRing during this race. The first year he finished in 39 minutes and last year he shaved about a half a minute off his time. This year he confided in me that he would like to hit the 35 minute mark, but also realized it might be a bit ambitious.

During this race, they have timing clocks at miles 1 and 2 so I have a pretty good idea of how we’re doing (my watch was buried under layers of clothes). However, mile 1’s clock wasn’t working so I really was pretty clueless. I was just jamming to my playlist and trying to howl along with Adam Levine at that point. Dude uses RunKeeper so he always hyper aware of pace, but like I said, he was a couple of paces ahead of me. And not talking. Ho hum.

The streets of Haddonfield have had a rough winter and they’re peppered with potholes. They’ve always been present but this year it seemed particularly crater-filled. Thankfully the good people of Haddonfield Running Co. placed cones in the worst spots so we had a heads up. Or a heads down. Or eyes on the road. Whatever, you get the idea!


Dude slowed down slightly going past the water station (which is around 1.5 in) and looked back to see where I was. He hadn’t so much as glanced in my direction most of the time so I figured he was feeling good and gave him the “RUN” face. You know the one. Or maybe you don’t. It basically consists of me mouthing the word “RUN” and shooing him along with my hand.

On we went. We slowed down on the hill right before mile 2. I saw the clock at the top of the hill was under 24 minutes and was very happy to see that he was on target to PR. When he saw the clock, he began to run again. At the top of the hill I wound up next to him and we ran together from that point.

As we crested the last small hill, the opening strains of Paradise City flooded my eyes. I could see the finish line and I saw the time clock had 36:xx, so I hit the gas for that last little stretch of road hoping we could get there. We’d started the race a bit further back so I thought in the 35 minute range was possible. Instead we came in at 36:16 and 36:31, which is still a huge 2 minute PR for Dude!


We partied it up at the Haddonfield Running Company store after, making sure to use our medal bottle openers for the beer offered there because that is obviously the best part. Since the store is currently in their 18th year, everything was 18% off. And you better believe we took advantage of that!


10th year of the race and they did it up BIG with the medal!

So, in summary: A PR for Dude. A rockin’ playlist for me. Beer and food (om nom nom) Good friends. Great race.

South Jerseyians, do this race. And if you do, come find me so we can discuss its awesomeness.


Tell me about your most recent PR! What’s your favorite song on your playlist? I haven’t made a new playlist in awhile but this one was great, it had the perfect songs at the perfect places. 

Up With the Moon

I’m an early riser.

This wasn’t always the case; back to my 20s and pre-kids I was a champ at sleeping well past 10am. Naps were my best friend. And I’d balk at waking up before 8am. Or 7am. Let alone 6am. However, as the years have gone on, I find myself waking just after 5am. And even more astounding to my 20 year old self, it’s usually to exercise! Even on Saturdays.

Of course the winter months have had me wanting to hibernate inside my house, sticking to mainly treadmill running and going to the gym (which is less than a mile from the abode). The first nice weekend that rolled around was this past one; it also just happened to coincide with my pal Brandi’s running clinic AND my scheduled running date with Sarah.

Meant to be!

Just to add a little spice to the already spicy salsa, I decided it would be a great time to introduce my pup, Gemma, to running.

Just in case you’re not keeping track here, let me reiterate: First run outside in a couple of months. With Sarah, who is making her triumphant return to running after having her second bouncing baby boy. And with a dog, who isn’t used to running on leash for more than a couple of minutes, let alone a couple of miles.

What could go wrong?

If you answered everything, you would be correct. But going into it, we all expected it to be a learning process. Everyone has to start (or start again) somewhere, right?

At exactly 7:30am, Brandi started off the clinic with stretching exercises, getting us warmed up for a short long run around the 3.68 loop.

Brandi and Sarah on the track, stretching the legs.

Brandi and Sarah on the track, stretching the legs.

Sarah was happy that Gemma the wonder pup was there because, first off, PUPPY. And secondly, it definitely takes the pressure off when you have a dog who isn’t used to running. We decided we would do intervals, while chatting and working on Gemma’s running manners.

What do running manners for a dog include?

  1. Stay on the left side of your person (don’t trip me)
  2. No seriously, stay to the left side (don’t trip the others)
  3. Don’t pull, you silly dog. It’s so much more fun when you stay right next to your person!

I’m sure you’re sensing a common theme here and at this point, that’s mostly what we were working on. The first mile or so was rough but then she started to get it! We need to get used to cars passing us (it’s a bit unnerving as a person, let alone a pup) and we definitely tired her out.

We slowly made our way around the loop, getting passed by Brandi and the other clinic attendees along the way with shouts of encouragement. Toward the end of the loop, Gemma was d-o-n-e, done, but with promises of the car and the banana we’d share once we got there, we all finished strong.


Following the run, we met up with Brandi once again to stretch it out and chat about our experiences. While it was Gemma’s first time doing the loop, it definitely won’t be her last. (Although it’s supposed to snow later on this week again. Have mercy!) She slept good and hard on the ride home, snores and all. That’s the downside of waking early… you’re ready for bed before most.

If you’re new to running with a pup, Aimee, over at Running with Sam wrote a great post with tips for running with your dog and it’s one that I have read more than once.

Who is your BRF (Best Running Friend)? Next weekend I’m running a 5k with my Dude – hoping to help him PR.

Ever run with a pup? Got any tips for me on teaching Gemma her running manners?

BA5k – Mother’s Day Run with family


Have you ever ran in formation? Because after today’s 8th annual BA5k, I can now say that I have… well, at least for a hot second! I mean, I was next to them so that sort of counts. A little. Pooks, Jay and I were very impressed with the police academy runners.

The BA5k is a local-to-us race to honor the memory of Brian Anderson, a young man who passed at age 21 from an undiagnosed heart arrhythmia on Mother’s Day in 2005. The 5k walk/run started the following year and this year was the 8th annual memorial run.

Last year, Pooks ran a quarter mile race and was looking to “up his distance” (I’m not kidding – that’s the phrasing he used). He was seven at the time and I was thrilled that he was so interested so we chose to participate in this race. It’s always held at the local park that we consider “ours” – it’s where we’ve played since he was born!

2012 Mother's Day 5k

2012 Mother’s Day 5k

This year, we were able to talk Jay into joining us. Maybe talking him into joining us is a bit too liberal of a phrase… I signed us up as a family team and told him that we were going to run it together. You might recall he ran his first 5k in March so he felt fairly confident that he’d be good to go for this race.


Yes, my eight year old will be taller than me. Probably sooner rather than later.

We’d signed up as a family team but somehow there was a glitch with their system because they only had me listed under participants. After getting bibs and shirts sorted out, we were once again on the way to the start! The race began at 9am; thankfully that time wasn’t hard and fast this morning because the boys both needed to stop at the porta-potties before we lined up.

ba5k3At the start line, they didn’t really have clear markers or anyone with a megaphone directing runners or walkers. The runners logically should’ve started first but that’s not really how it went down. There was a lot of bobbing and weaving for the first minute.

ba5k4But once we got past that, it was smooth sailing and we fell into a nice, comfortable pace. I asked Pooks if he had a plan for this 5k, since he was setting the pace. He told me that he wanted to take it easy the first mile, speed up the second mile, and sprint at the end.

Is that what happened?

I’ll give you one guess…


Right out of the gate, he was hyped up and going too fast. Which I mentioned, but what eight year old wants to hear that? Or thirty-something year old, for that matter? So I tapped into this enthusiasm, knowing eventually he’d simmer down.


Dude and Pooks – holding strong at almost a mile.

Looking at pictures from last year, I found one of Pooks at nearly the exact same spot.


BA5k 2012

If I were to guess, I’d say there were about 1,000 runners and walkers present. The course wound through the park so you were able to see other runners and the walkers throughout the race.

Just past the mile mark, Pooks asked for a short walking break so we slowed to a fast walk and continued with intervals through the rest of the course. He was happy to see the water station at the halfway point and more than happy when we made our way to the finish line.

Of course he was an absolute stinker at the end. “Mom, wait for me so we can cross the line together!” Pulls up next to me, asks if I’m ready to sprint, and as I’m answering him he TAKES OFF.

Last year we finished in 49:59. This year? 39:56. The kiddo bested himself by 10:03!


“Mom, I beat you!” Uh huh. You sure did, kid.

Have you ran with your family before? Did they pull the old “let’s cross the finish line together” and then leave you in the dust?

Jogging, hogging, and blogging: meet Team Scoot a Doot

For the 2nd annual Jog ‘n Hog, Team Scoot a Doot is a crazy bunch of characters hailing from all over the Northeast. So far we’ve got 13 people (edited to add – make that 15) who are ready to take on the challenge of running two miles, eating either a pint or quart (!?!) of ice cream, and running another two miles.

Prepare yourself to meeting some of our crazy bunch! And hey, who knows, maybe this will entice you to join us. *Hint, hint, there’s a GIVEAWAY further down in this post.*

We asked our runners to share their Jog ‘n Hog strategies as we prepare for this amazing event (happening on July 21st, clear your social calendars).
Team Scoot a Doot member, Megan and her daughter, Finn.

Megan being adorable with daughter, Finn.

Megan – Be me. Be amazing. And, keep running a 5K a few times a week to make sure I stay in top form so that I don’t completely die mid-race. Sort of guessing the ice cream will refuel me, though, even if I am tired after the first 2 miles. Ice cream is an energy food, right???
Sorry ladies, Matt is taken (by Megan!). Here he reads his very special Runner's World, which we've been told is not about the RUNS.

Sorry ladies, Matt is taken (by Megan!). Here he reads his very special Runner’s World, which we’ve been told is not about the RUNS.

Matt – Binge. Purge. Rinse. Repeat.
Christina gives a shout out to Boston.

Christina gives a shout out to Boston.

Christina – My entire strategy revolves around not vomiting. I will consider the entire event a success if vomiting is avoided.
Bad ass!

Bad ass Jen, ready to conquer the Down and Dirty!

Jen – I have no strategy. Ice cream runs through my veins and sustains me so it’s no big deal for me. Ben and Jerry’s is my regular life’s blood.
Brandi likes long walks on the beach...

Brandi likes long walks on the beach…

Brandi – Run fast two miles. Eat. Then walk one mile… and run to the end. And not throw up.

Only Vic could get run over by a parked car!

The leader of the pack!

Vic – I plan to run like the wind for the first two miles, inhale my vat of ice cream and try not to vomit for the next two miles. That likely means walking the last two miles, for the record.
Typical day for Kate!

Typical day for Kate!

Kate – All out for the first 2 miles. Eat and enjoy the ice cream while laughing with friends. Run, walk, crawl or whatever it takes to get to the finish line. Most importantly I plan to have FUN! That’s what it’s all about, right?!
Official baby kisser of Team Scoot a Doot, Jena!

Official baby kisser of Team Scoot a Doot, Jena!

Jena – My strategy is to try and keep the ice cream down during the last two miles.
Not ice cream.  Not interested.

Not ice cream? Not interested.

Mer – Jog. Hog. Tweet. Pictures. Blog.

And hey, who goes to a race and doesn’t bring along their very own cheerleader? Not Team Scoot a Doot, that’s for sure!

Bec enjoys spending her free time getting to second base with the Bewitched statue.

Bec enjoys spending her free time getting to second base with the Bewitched statue.

Bec – My initial goal was not to toss my cookies. Or my ice cream. If that wasn’t possible, my goal was to toss my cookies with grace and style. However, due to some recent dietary changes, any cookies and ice cream I eat (or toss) have to be dairy free. So, my new goal is to come and cheer you guys on. And maybe hold your hair back, if you need that. I’m a giver, what can I say?

It seems like many of the members are a bit concerned about puking. So we asked Boss Hog about any such incidents in the inaugural race.


Fair enough.

You want in on this action, don’t you? Well, friends, let’s get down to brass tacks.

May 1st, prices for the Jog ‘n Hog kick up a couple of bucks. The way we figure it, why pay more when you can pay less? Currently, the Whole Hogger (quart) is $30 and the Half Hogger (pint) is $27. As of May 1st, both fees increase by $5. “In the immortal words of The Doors, The time to hesitate is through.” (Name that movie quote for extra cool points in our book.)

If you join Team Scoot a Doot, you get the added benefit of being on a team. (And hanging out with US!) The teams have room for 20 and we’d love to have you.

Or, you can roll the dice on our Jog ‘n Hog giveaway. The Scoot a Doot Chicks are hosting a raffle for one free registration!

Click the pic to enter!

Click the pic to enter!

This giveaway is for one entry to the July 21st, 2013 Jog ‘n Hog, taking place at Shady Brook Farm in Yardley, PA at 8:30am. You are responsible for getting to and from the event. If awarded the winner, we will be sharing your name and email address with the race directors of the Jog ‘n Hog and they’ll be giving you a code so you can Jog ‘n Hog with us.

So, what do you say? Have you ever taken part in a running event that involves food? Will Team Scoot a Doot puke? What would your Jog ‘n Hog strategy be? Let us know down below.

DO AC: 2013 April Fool’s half marathon


Last year I ran the inaugural Atlantic City April Fool’s half marathon to ring in my 35th year. This year’s race wasn’t on my birthday (since April 1st was on a Monday) but when my friends started floating the idea of running, I jumped on board. After all, I almost view this race as “mine” since it’s an homage to my birthday and one that I’ll return to year after year.

Packet pick-up was quick and easy and laid-back.  In fact, this entire race is very laid-back with the added bonus of being extremely well-organized, two things that you don’t often see paired together when it comes to racing. There is no expo; the packet pick-up took place in the host resort, which was Revel this year.


Dorothy and Jody warming up by the fire pit at Revel.

Revel is AC’s brand new resort and casino and is absolutely gorgeous, albeit a bit confusing to navigate. Thankfully they have staff everywhere to point you in the right direction so you don’t wander aimlessly for too long.

However, AC is still AC and most people there are in “party” mode, not “sleeping and running a race” mode. Which means the clientele of the resort included a drunk dude wandering the halls at 4am, knocking on doors and shouting for “Blair” on Friday night (hope you found her eventually, man) and the party people who decided to stay in and celebrate someone’s 30th birthday with shots and singing at the top at their lungs rather than paying $12 for drinks… until 3:30 in the morning.

Next year? I’m sleeping at home and driving the hour. Hold me to this, please. Early wake up is better than no waking up because I never actually slept.

Going into a half marathon on a small amount of sleep isn’t the best way to do things but alas, that’s how it played out. My suggestion to an AC hotel hosting runners for an event would be to put them all in the same area.


We fueled with wheat bagel flats and almond butter/peanut butter, dressed, and joined the other runners (and partiers who apparently never went to sleep the night before) in the front vestibule.

Approximately 2,000 runners participated in the half marathon, with the 7k/11k races being held on Saturday morning. This was a change from the 2012 races, as all races were all held on the same day. Not going to lie, we were a bit bummed about the change but the race directors were very good at compensating the runners who were affected by the change. Jody ran the 7k on Saturday morning, while Moe, Dorothy and myself were ready to take on 13.1 miles.

We headed outside into the chilly morning air around 7:45, with the race beginning at 8am. At the start we were able to find our friends Rob, Brandi, and Sean – all of whom were running as well!


Starting promptly, we were off, down the boards. After a quarter mile, I realized that in the pre-race excitement I’d forgotten to start my Garmin so I’d be flying solo on that level – I was upset for about a hot second but realized that I’d just have to let it go. Sidenote: I got a Garmin and Road ID tan on my arms during this race.  Time to break out the sunscreen!

It began to warm as we made our way down the boards and the smell of the ocean air was invigorating.  Moe and I fell into a nice comfortable pace, hanging out side by side and occasionally knocking into each other while dancing to our own iPods.


Who has two thumbs and a flying ponytail? Moe!

Around mile 4 my feet started giving me issues with my toes curling a bit, which didn’t feel so fantastic so I walked a couple of seconds.  That didn’t help so I started running again.  This is also about the time that we saw the winner of the race headed back to the finish. Always impressive!


And then, there are people like this.  These dudes ran like this for the entire race and ran the race in two hours.  More power to you, horse and horse rider! (Horse dude kept his head on the entire time.  Crazy!)


See that little turn there – right before mile 5?  That’s when we took the streets.  And that’s when I knew I’d be hurting a bit.  WHERE IS MY BOARDWALK?  Couldn’t we have made it longer? However, I knew Lucy was ahead and I was very much looking forward to seeing the elephant.

“The elephant???” You might ask.  Oh yes, the elephant.


What, this isn’t normally what you see when you race? (Check out other random things seen on runs at OliveToRun’s How Bizarre Photos!)

Eventually we hit the 7 mile mark which meant it was time to turn around and hit the reverse button! I swung around the flag (not literally) and off we went, back where we came from. The street seemed to expand and getting back to the boards took way longer than I anticipated. Finally Moe pulled to the side where she could look ahead and see the cones turn – we were nearly back on the boardwalk. Huzzah!


Since I didn’t have my Garmin, I lost mile 9.  For all of mile 9, I thought I was in mile 10… Until I saw the flag marker that said 10 and nearly cried because I so desperately wanted it to say 11.  Alas, it did not.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

And right around then was when I felt the blister forming and I was just ready to be done.  3.1 miles to go – a 5k! Then I looked up and saw this…


And remembered how blessed I was to be in that moment.

The water stations were phenomenal and it definitely makes up for the lack of crowd support because they are like a cheer station unto themselves. The volunteers are incredible with this race, always with a smile and making you laughing by fighting over whose water or Gatorade you’d take.


There are also a couple of bands and DJs along the route as well,  so when I saw those I’d take my yurbuds out to jam with them for a couple of seconds.

The last two miles I was speed walking more than running and a one point Moe turned around to see where I was.  I waved her on and told her, “keep moving THAT way” and off she went. I could see her pink hat bopping along ahead and that gave me the motivation I needed to stay strong and keep moving toward the finish line.

I passed where the finish line was the previous year and was sad that it wasn’t actually there again this year because that would mean I’d be done.  At that point, there was a little over a mile left. The boardwalk started having more people milling around, which is difficult because at that point instead of bobbing and weaving around other runners, you’re moving around people who don’t have a clue that a race is going on. I just kept moving forward, alternating between a run/walk and pushing as much as possible.

And just like that, I saw the finish line in the distance. I heard cheers of people as I drew closer and I pushed myself to sprint those last few minutes, thanks to some very sweet ladies from Black Girls Run giving me some special cheers.


I asked someone if I could borrow her sign so Dorothy and I could get a picture with it. Don’t believe it though – we’re definitely more like 3/4th crazy.

I crossed the finish line with a smile on my face, having attained a personal record! I’m not a fast runner and I may never BE a fast runner, but I bested myself on Sunday… and that felt damn good (even if my feet didn’t and don’t)!

I’m already looking to sign up for next year’s April Fool’s half.

Is there a race that you return to time and time again? What is it that keeps you coming back?

Haddonfield Adrenaline 5k 2012 race recap

March 2013 brings many things including “springing ahead”, leprechauns, and egg hunts. However, the one that I’m looking forward to most is the kick-off to race season, and more specifically the 2013 Haddonfield Adrenaline 5k. If you’re from the NJ/PA area, you’ve probably heard of or participated in this race. It’s a favorite in the area; it’s USATF certified, has chipped timing and substantial cash prizes (not that I’m anywhere close to getting a cash prize, but I’ll admit that the awesome medal does have a certain draw!). This year’s race marks the 16th year of the race’s existence and the 8th that it’s been sponsored by the Haddonfield Running Company.

I’ll be there, as will Chick Vic, and in his running debut, my husband, along with more than 1,050 other runners.  This was one of my first of twelve races last year (ever, really) so I figured I’d share a bit about the 2012 event to get pumped up for THIS year’s race.

What? You don’t see me? That’s because I was nowhere near those people.  They were going for cash. I was going for not puking and the medal!

March 17, 2012 was a perfect day for a race. Low 60s, nice relaxed atmosphere. My friend (and coach) Brandi, her husband Sean (with their daughter in the running stroller) and I started out near the back of the pack and steadily gained speed for the first mile. According to my Garmin, we did that in ten minutes.

Which was super fast for me and comfortable for them. So after that mile, I waved them ahead and fell into a far more comfortable pace. The best part of this race was the nice downhill in the second mile, it breathed life into my legs (even though that was my slowest mile at 11:11). Of course, as the saying goes… what goes down must come up. Or wait, is the saying the other way around? In any event, just before we hit the third mile, there was a HILL.

Now, I don’t know about you all but I’m not what one would call… a fan of hills. In fact, at that point in my running career, I usually walked them. I started walking this one but I could see the clock at the top of the hill so I said, “Aw, f- it!” and ran up the hill.

The last part of the race was on the main street in the town, which is very Gilmore Girl’s Stars Hollow-esque. I’m always a fan of the last half a mile of a race because there’s just something very motivating about the fact that I can see the finish line. The knowledge that there are people cheering me on near the end and also that I’m nearly DONE is a strong draw. And since I always want to finish strong, I throw myself into it. It’s just a good feeling!

There I am, in the home stretch, smiling and waving in my Running Skirt!

My final time was 33:01, which was and IS my 5k race personal record (PR). I actually don’t run that many 5ks and the ones I’ve done since haven’t been the most ideal conditions.  I’m hoping that the March 16 race will offer me a chance to set a new PR.  The fastest woman last year finished in a bit over 17 minutes, which is impressive since I basically took twice as long.  The male winner finished in 14:51. That’s pretty speedy!

While I don’t have any delusions of finishing in that amount of time, I do have a plan on being able to PR.

What is that plan?  Well, quite simply, I’m going to chase Vic through the streets of Haddonfield.  She’s faster than me but she’s graciously offered to stay ahead of me so that I can use her as a carrot to my rabbit. I tend to “store my energy” in a 5k, since I’m used to longer races.  And really?  I don’t need to do that with 3.1 miles.  So with her help, I’m hoping to go full out and use up all the gas in my tank (without going out too fast either – something that I fear). While ten minute miles were a bit fast for me last year, I believe I can conquer them now.

So I’ll put my fast playlist on while Vic leads me on a footrace through town.  Maybe I’ll pretend she has chocolate!  MAYBE I’LL GIVE HER CHOCOLATE TO HOLD AS SHE RUNS! I would say ice cream but that doesn’t make much sense.

Picked up the race packets for Saturday!  And new kicks, which I’ll share soon. ;)

Last year, my oldest son Pooks participated in the kid’s race.  He’s sitting the 2013 race out since Jay and I are both running. However, he’s joined the Track and Field team in our town so he’ll be having plenty of time to run.

1/4-mile race for the kids – such determination!  By the way, he got nervous when he saw some of the fast runners puking in the chute at the end of the 5k… he thought he was going to puke too.  Thankfully, there was no puking at the kid’s race.  At least, not that we saw.

A proud finisher!

As of yesterday afternoon there were less than 250 spots available so if you’re considering the Adrenaline 5k, now’s the time to sign up. And hey, if you see us there, come say hi!

We’ll be in reporting back in few weeks with our recap of the 2013 Haddonfield Adrenaline 5k, our Philadelphia Chocolate Tours trip and, of course, City Sports for our giveaway winners!  And, who knows, maybe I can talk Jay into sharing his first race experience!

Do you go into races with a strategy?  Does it involve chocolate, chasing, or promises of money?