Have you ever ran in formation? Because after today’s 8th annual BA5k, I can now say that I have… well, at least for a hot second! I mean, I was next to them so that sort of counts. A little. Pooks, Jay and I were very impressed with the police academy runners.
The BA5k is a local-to-us race to honor the memory of Brian Anderson, a young man who passed at age 21 from an undiagnosed heart arrhythmia on Mother’s Day in 2005. The 5k walk/run started the following year and this year was the 8th annual memorial run.
Last year, Pooks ran a quarter mile race and was looking to “up his distance” (I’m not kidding – that’s the phrasing he used). He was seven at the time and I was thrilled that he was so interested so we chose to participate in this race. It’s always held at the local park that we consider “ours” – it’s where we’ve played since he was born!
This year, we were able to talk Jay into joining us. Maybe talking him into joining us is a bit too liberal of a phrase… I signed us up as a family team and told him that we were going to run it together. You might recall he ran his first 5k in March so he felt fairly confident that he’d be good to go for this race.
We’d signed up as a family team but somehow there was a glitch with their system because they only had me listed under participants. After getting bibs and shirts sorted out, we were once again on the way to the start! The race began at 9am; thankfully that time wasn’t hard and fast this morning because the boys both needed to stop at the porta-potties before we lined up.
At the start line, they didn’t really have clear markers or anyone with a megaphone directing runners or walkers. The runners logically should’ve started first but that’s not really how it went down. There was a lot of bobbing and weaving for the first minute.
But once we got past that, it was smooth sailing and we fell into a nice, comfortable pace. I asked Pooks if he had a plan for this 5k, since he was setting the pace. He told me that he wanted to take it easy the first mile, speed up the second mile, and sprint at the end.
Is that what happened?
I’ll give you one guess…
Right out of the gate, he was hyped up and going too fast. Which I mentioned, but what eight year old wants to hear that? Or thirty-something year old, for that matter? So I tapped into this enthusiasm, knowing eventually he’d simmer down.
Looking at pictures from last year, I found one of Pooks at nearly the exact same spot.
If I were to guess, I’d say there were about 1,000 runners and walkers present. The course wound through the park so you were able to see other runners and the walkers throughout the race.
Just past the mile mark, Pooks asked for a short walking break so we slowed to a fast walk and continued with intervals through the rest of the course. He was happy to see the water station at the halfway point and more than happy when we made our way to the finish line.
Of course he was an absolute stinker at the end. “Mom, wait for me so we can cross the line together!” Pulls up next to me, asks if I’m ready to sprint, and as I’m answering him he TAKES OFF.
Last year we finished in 49:59. This year? 39:56. The kiddo bested himself by 10:03!
Have you ran with your family before? Did they pull the old “let’s cross the finish line together” and then leave you in the dust?
Yay, family run! Proud of Pooks.
Thanks Brooke! I’m so proud of him too – he didn’t once talk about quitting this time (unlike last time). He was focused and committed! Have to get him signed up for a kids race in Nov.
Yes! I love it! Congrats to pooks for achieving his fastest 5k time by more than 10 minutes! That’s darn impressive! I’m so proud!
I’d love to find another to run with him soon. 🙂
Spoke to our friend Ricki, of Ricki & Jerry, earlier. She did a 5k with her family this morning also. They were joined by their children and grandchildren! It was a run/walk also. I have such awsome friends and family. Rock On!
That’s great! Go Ricki and family. 🙂
Love it! Congrats to both of you – and happy mothers day!
Thanks Anya! It was a happy day for me!
Amazing job to all of you! Yay for family activities. 🙂
I have to say, I’m a big fan of family activities! Especially when I get to choose the activity. 😉
This is so stinkin’ cute! And also happy belated mothers day!
I have ran races with my sister and my one brother, but it is impossible for us to stay remotely close. Louis, sprints out like a gazelle and then tanks. Anna, my sister, is slow and steady. And I usually pull ahead.
But I will say meeting up at the finish line, and watching them cross, is one heck of a feeling. Makes you feel like you are related to Titans of some sort. RAWR.
by the way, POOKS TIME IS AMAZING!!!! Sheesh. When I was his age, I was like eating sand and def. not running. Good for him!
Thanks so much, Lily!
Ha! I wish I had the gazelle running down. Unfortunately, mine is more like a chugging choo-choo train the entire time. I know eventually Pooks is going to be faster than me – he has the WANT for it, which I think is important. Whereas I am pretty happy with I’m just out there and getting it done. 😉
I’m really proud of him and I love that we can share this together. Dude too (whom, early this year, told me he wants one of those 0.0 stickers for his truck because he doesn’t run). HA. I tricked him into it! 😉
How fun! I’ve tried to involve my kids, but they just laugh in my face. I did get hubby to run one last year and he took off like a bolt of lightening in the beginning and then about a mile in, he felt like he was going to die. 🙂
I tried not to say “I told you so” but I think I failed.
Shaving 10 minutes off his time is no joke!
I’m really bad at not saying “I told you so” – I even said it to my kid who broke his foot. BUT IN MY DEFENSE, I DID TELL HIM SO!
I was really impressed with how much he’s improved over the past year. Soon enough he’ll be running sub-30 minute 5ks and leaving me in the dust!