My Husband: The Reluctant Runner

I have to let you all in on a little conspiracy.

I really like tricking my husband into working out and making him think it was his idea. Or, at the very least, making him think that he enjoys it.


"Wasn't that fun? Didn't you love it?" "No."

“Wasn’t that fun? Didn’t you love it?”

Dude and I are both pretty chill people so as far as marriage goes, I’d say that generally speaking, ours is one of quiet happiness. Okay, maybe quiet is not the right word… we do have two boys and a dog!

Spicing things up by forcing your reluctant running partner to do races with you definitely gives you something to chat about! I mean, who wouldn’t want to hang out with me for an extended amount of time, exerting all energy?

There have been various 5ks over the past few years. Last summer I signed us up for our local 4 miler on the 4th of July. And while he didn’t love it, he didn’t hate it either. (There were a lot of hills.)

So I have to think, what’s the next logical step for this guy? Some might say a 10k. Well, yes, many might say a 10k.

But… BUT!

There’s the Broad Street 10 Mile Run in the amazing city of Philadelphia. And friends, this has all the components of a great race for Dude.



1. It’s in Philly and the course on Broad Street is entertaining throughout. Philadelphia is truly an enthusiastic city. Whatever it does, it does it loudly!

2. It has a TON of crowd support. Seriously one of the best races in terms of crowds that I’ve run thus far. Feeding off the crowd’s energy can carry you a long way!

3. THE SIGNS. This goes along with number 2. Giggling while running is good for your stride.


4. There’s even a medal at the end! And bananas! And pretzels. Who doesn’t love pretzels? Even our son, who eats maybe five things, loves pretzels.

5. Tailgating with friends after the race. (This is a big one that I’m selling hard. Dude loves his beer.)

I’ve been working hard on talking him into this race. I know that he can do the distance. And this is our trainer’s favorite race of the year; Dude would definitely win some brownie points with him being there.

From now until February 13th, the lottery is going on for the race. A few of my favorite girls are hoping that we are chosen during the lottery and since the time to hesitate is through, I’ve decided that Dude is going to be in our lottery group. Our conversation this morning went a little something like this.

Me: “Have a great day! Oh, by the way, I’m going to register you for the Broad Street lottery. If you don’t want to run it, I’m sure we could transfer the bib to someone at the gym.”

Dude: “I don’t think it make sense to go into it with the intention of doing a transfer.”

Me: “Well, obviously not. My intention is for you to RUN it. Yours should be too.”

Dude: “Oh. Yeah, I guess it’s only $43.”

Me: “Come on, what’s the worst that can happen? It can’t hurt.”

Dude: “Yes. Yes it can.”

I can tell that he is really, truly excited about this and really, a little nudge in the right direction is usually all he needs to get the wheels turning. May the odds be ever in our favor!

Have you entered a race lottery before? What race have you run that has great crowd support? Ever do a 10 mile race? Do you know anyone who doesn’t like pretzels?

14 thoughts on “My Husband: The Reluctant Runner

  1. Dude is the BEST! And who can resist your sweet, adorable persistence? I never can! Broad Street sounds amazing!
    I love the crowd support at the BolderBoulder 10k; belly dancers, garage bands playing in their driveways, homemade slip-and-slides in people’s front yards for the runners to cool down, it’s kinda the best.

    • I am VERY persistent, that is for sure. I’m like that little fly that buzzes around your ear until you can no longer ignore it so you just sort of hug it and give it love. 😉

      I am totally wanting to run BolderBoulder 10k with you at some point!!!

  2. Broad St Run is my favorite race ever! It’s so entertaining, he’ll forget he’s running 10 miles 🙂 Best crowd support! Keeping my fingers crossed that I win the lottery again this year!

    • Broad Street really is THE BEST. I had to skip it last year but I’m ready to come back with a vengeance this year. 😉 Fingers crossed for all of us!!!

    • Me too, Ker! I said to Jay, “Think of it, not only will you get to run with ME but you’ll get KERI AND MOE TOO!” He’s like… “Jesus.”

  3. Haha I love this! I definitely do this with my husband too. And I am hoping you get in! I got through the lottery last year and then had to transfer my bib because of our sudden move to Alaska. I really want to run this race someday though!

    • One day when you are your husband are both back in the area visiting (the first weekend in May) you should definitely check it out! Such a fun race!!! Does your husband run with you often in Alaska?

  4. Well I don’t hate pretzels, but I definitely don’t love them… like even a little. But the race does sound amazing and I totally hope you two get in! It sounds like he’s a great sport! I got laughed at for even suggesting a 1 mile fun run to my boyfriend (but we are going for a run/ bike ride for Valentines Day… he rides, I run… I’m happy)

    • Like soft pretzels when they’re warm and yummy? Because if you don’t, I’ll give you my donuts and I can take your pretzels. 😉

      We find out next week if we get in! Fingers crossed (for me, maybe he’d say otherwise). And that’s awesome, I hope you and your boyfriend have an amazing Valentine’s Day run/ride together. 🙂

  5. Pingback: South Jersey Running: Haddonfield Adrenaline 5k | Scootadoot

  6. Dude! Seriously hope that the lottery gods work in our favor! What a great race to run! Crossing everything over here. Although, it does mean that I would actually have to train for a longer distance once again. Ah, oh well!

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