Retired Chick – Jenn


The fact that I was born, raised, and live near Boulder, Colorado, a.k.a the running and yoga mecca of the United States, one might think that I come to Scoot A Doot a seasoned athlete. One might also think that I ski, snowboard, rock climb, and hike fouteeners like every good Coloradoan should.

One would be absolutely 100% mistaken.

I’ve skied twice. Ever. The one time I did go hiking, I tripped and fell into a cactus. Needless to say, mountaineering held no charm for me after that. Plus, my severe asthma is not happy at high altitude, and as a kid I was discouraged from participating in physical activities due to my health.

As an adult, I don’t let asthma stop me. I’ve been running off and on for the last two years, and began a love affair with yoga three years ago. I never thought I’d be a runner, it is still difficult to think of myself that way. I run because every time I’m on the pavement, I’m proud of myself for just being able to try. That’s what keeps me going.

That, and the thought of earning the 2016 Disney SW Rebel Challenge (DONE).

Running teaches me that I am strong and that I become stronger with every step. It helps me release stress and connect with nature. For me, running is about staying fit and healthy because I’m terrified of being frail in my old age.

Aside from being a runner I’m also a fiber artist, writer, and married to my high school sweetheart. I’m mommy to three pugs and an Italian greyhound rescue. It is likely I will force a few photos of them upon you. I regret nothing. I work for an aerospace company that makes really cool stuff like the Hubble Space Telescope, and I try to get out and enjoy the Rockies as much as I can. I hope to share some of the unique and amazing running events in Colorado with Scoot a Doot.

Except the Pikes Peak Marathon. I can promise I will never run that race.

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