Video: Greecie Girl Headbands Review and GIVEAWAY!

Hello everyone, hope you’re having a fabulous Friday! I’ve gotten a lot of good feedback on the videos we’ve posted lately so I figured that I’d make another one. Included are a few life updates and review a new-to-me product, Greecie Girl Headbands (pronounced Greece – I asked!). Enjoy!

Want to see a few pictures of Greecie Girl products in action? SURE YOU DO!

Dream Big

Treadmill run on a cold, snowy day (is it spring yet?)

If you’re interested, be sure to check out Mary’s sites. You can enter our giveaway down below but if you just can’t wait to order, the code 15off will save you 15% off orders over $24. WOOHOO!

Greecie Girl Headbands website

Greecie Girl Headbands on Etsy


Click the pic to enter!

One winner will win TWO headbands from Mary at Greecie Girl Headbands! Want to enter? Be sure to click on the picture above. Giveaway is running now until 3/20/2018 at 12am, est. Winner will be contacted via email for information. In the event that we do not hear back within 24 hours, a new winner will be chosen.

Are you a social media fan? You can find Greecie Girl here:

Twitter – ishlass
Instagram – greeciegirl

Scoot a Doot’s 5th Blogaversary (with a BOCO Gear giveaway!)

Exciting news in the video! We have a new Scoot a Doot Chick joining Kyle, Jenn, and myself, a new giveaway, and a new cast! Well, okay, that last one might only be exciting to me – but it is purple!

Watch me ramble and then click down below for the giveaway.


Click the pic to enter – now through 2/5 at 12am est

You can meet Ash here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and subscribe (right over in the side bar!) so you can get blog post updates sent directly to your email!

ETA: I am such a dolt. ASHLEY IS A RAVENCLAW, not a Hufflepuff. I have no good excuse. At least I know I’m a Gryffindor?

All sorts of yoga

Since last summer, I’ve tried yoga on a paddleboard, yoga while hiking and yoga poses all around Rochester. And I found that I really enjoyed pushing my self, trying new poses and meeting new people in the process.

Last month, I tried another version of yoga, this time trekking on snowshoes to complete my first-ever SNOWGA session.

That’s right. I hiked about 3 miles on snowshoes with an adventurous group of women to try snowga at Bristol Harbour Resort in the heart of the Finger Lakes. We stopped twice on our trek for a mini-yoga session that included tests of balance and flexibility and strength, all with snowshoes strapped to our feet.

snowga 055

Warrior 1, humble warrior, downward dog, triangle, shavasana. We did it all in the snow. One woman even tackled a headstand with snowshoes on! Look closely below in the rear left of this picture, as you can see one badass yogi working her magic.

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The event was with Finger Lakes Yogascapes, a local women-owned business that offers indulgent fitness retreats for women. I learned about the company last year through my job and have tried a few of their classes. But I have been itching to try snowga since first heard about it last winter.

First off, snowga wasn’t hard. If you can walk, you can snowshoe. The incorporated yoga sessions were also geared toward beginners with modication options for the more advance yogis in the crowd.

The day event included a loan of snowshoes and walking poles, but I brought my own. Heck, I had them, why not use them? With lots of snow in Rochester the week leading up to the event, we only had a few inches at the snowga site in Ontario County. Not to worry. We had snow, and that’s really what mattered.

We tackled two 1.5-mile loops of a golf course, pausing twice to strike a pose.

There, I met loads of incredible local women, including Brittany and Sue, (pictured below) who I am hoping to see at a future outing.

snowga 048

Snowga was followed by lunch and drinks (hot cider was heavenly), great chats and an amazing view. I also made a video (for work) of the adventure. so click here or the photo below to view my D&C video.

snowga 042

What’s the oddest type of yoga you’ve tried? Have you done yoga in snowshoes or (my latest column) in a brewery? Tell me all about your adventures in the comments!

Video May Have Killed the Radio Star…

But it sure did help the bloggers. (That’s how the song goes, right?)

On a rainy June day I was lucky enough to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Conference in NYC. Remember? You saw me geek out and fangirl over the New Amsterdam theater tour.

Blogger Video and Pic tips

Along with the incredible experience of the conference location, there was a lot of information shared at the conference. The speakers were experts, fonts of knowledge; I was able to not only glean valuable nuggets of blogging goodness but now I can share them with you. Win/win!

Let’s talk about pictures and videos. Meet multimedia goddess, Victoria Lim.

Victoria Lim on scootadoot

This was the second time I’ve had the opportunity to hear Victoria speak and each time has been a pleasure. She’s quite dynamic and knows her stuff when it comes to presenting on social media platforms.

We are very visually driven creatures, gravitating toward pictures rather than text alone. Here, check out these stats on the graphic (wink, wink).

Visual info graphic

Personally I feel like I’ve got my finger on the pulse when it comes to pictures, or, at the very least I can handle pictures!

Meanwhile, I’ve been working hard on learning the ropes with different video applications. Victoria had some great suggestions of apps to check out and each offers a unique set of qualities.

For example, for a quick little snippet of fun, Instagram video is a great way to record in real time and then automatically share. Check out this one of Jenn dancing during the 2015 Bolder Boulder.

Jenn has enough pizzazz to make that video up there entertaining on its very own.

However, sometimes we want a little bit more like the ability to incorporate pics, jamming music, and storytelling. And in that case, Magisto might be the editor for you.

Plug in your favorites, pick a theme and lickety split, you’ve got a video! The app does all the work for you.

The only thing that I’m not loving about Magisto is that picture placement is random so they might be a bit out of order. Depending on the story you want to tell, this can potentially work against you. (Although I think this one from the 2014 Disneyland 10k is super cute!)

Also a bit of Magisto fabulousness? Give them access to your photos and videos and they’ll randomly make videos for you. Just as a little treat! How cool is that?

Videolicious is perfect if you’re looking to do a voice-over with video. Put pictures where you want to and then warm up those vocal chords (and uh, make sure you know what you want to say. I was rambling a bit). This was my very first attempt and I don’t think it turned out half bad!

We weathered the storm AND survived a 36 hour power outage.

Videolicious allows you to pick a song to enhance your video; I think the one I picked sounds very Harry Potter-ish.

I’m just learning more about Periscope. As in, I was getting texts from Jenn who was learning about it at FitBloggin’. Anyone have any advice for us there?

One of the things I like so much about video is that it’s a way to really connect with others and show your personality! I know it can be a bit daunting to talk to seemingly no one at the moment or not get immediate response but don’t let that scare you away from video blogging.

As a blog reader I can say that I really enjoy when there are video elements within a blog. I gravitate toward them and find that they can really enhance content.

Generally speaking, there are some good habits to have when you’re shooting either pics or video. Fancy cameras aren’t mandatory but clear shots and shooting with intention should be!

Photo and Video blogging tips

So go forth and get clicky with it! And if you try one of these video apps, I want to see your creation! Tweet me at @scootadoot or find me on Facebook and share, share, share.

The Disney Social Media Moms Celebration was a free event that I was fortunate enough to be invited to. Other than a magical day, no other compensation was given and all opinions are my very own unless stated otherwise. Thanks to Victoria Lim for the invaluable advice!

I Scream, You Scream… OINK!

Total Fat – 23,968g, Total Sugars – 25,680g, Total Calories – 359,520 – 330 registered participants. It’s Team Scoot a Doot’s Jog ‘n Hog experience… in pictures!



Team Scoot a Doot - out in full force and ready to Jog 'n Hog!

Team Scoot a Doot – out in full force and ready to Jog ‘n Hog!

Kimberly and Kyle drove all the way from the DC area to jog and hog with us!

Kimberly and Kyle drove all the way from the DC area to jog and hog with us!



Seen on our run through Shady Brook Farm.

Nom nom!

Nom nom!

Team Scoot a Doot found a corner and started to chow down.

Team Scoot a Doot found a corner and started to chow down.



Brandi with her littlest helper!

Brandi with her littlest helper.

Jena digs in.

Jena digs in.

Chick Vic and Kyle.

Chick Vic and Kyle.


Aaron and Jen



Chocolate sauce did NOT want to open!

Chocolate sauce did NOT want to open!

Kate finished... and she doesn't even LIKE ice cream.

Kate finished… and she doesn’t even LIKE ice cream.

Christina gets it done.

Christina gets it done.

Linda, our Jog 'n Hog giveaway winner. Double fisting takes on a whole new meaning.

Linda, our Jog ‘n Hog giveaway winner. Double fisting takes on a whole new meaning.



Then there was this guy, the Pace Pig. To add to the fun of the Jog ‘n Hog there, you either beat the pig or the pig beat you! Our team was half and half, if anyone’s keeping track.


credit: Jog 'n Hog Boss Hog

credit: Jog ‘n Hog Boss Hogs (thanks guys, it was a blast!)

So much fun was had and naturally, since we’re planners, we’re already talking about Team Scoot a Doot’s triumphant return in 2014. Who’s in?