Chick Chat: We are Thankful

Last year we shared Thanksgiving traditions. This year, we chose to go a different route and share what we are thankful for (hopefully without being too cliché!). So sit back, relax, and read on. In the comments, we’d love to hear something you are thankful for.


I think that Thanksgiving is a time to focus on what we are grateful for and honestly, it’s hard for me to pinpoint one or two particular things. I suppose that right now, I’m quite thankful for my health. Over the past year I’ve had aches and pains but right now, all things considered, I’m feeling good!


I’m thankful to have a table to sit at, a bed to sleep in, and to have never wanted for anything that I couldn’t live without. I live in a world filled with love and compassion and I happily share that.

I am surrounded by good people, close both in proximity and in my heart. I’m very lucky.


I’m thankful for good friends, family, my supportive husband and Meri’s supportive husband, who made me waffles for breakfast.

I also love how social media has brought so many amazing, inspiring people into my life.

And after my weekend marathon- I am beyond thankful for PRO compression socks.


I love reflecting on what I’m thankful for and practicing gratitude is something I try to do on a regular basis – my family, my health (well, aside from da boot situation), my people. This year, among a great many other things, I’m thankful for this grilled cheese. Well, mostly I’m thankful for everything that goes with this grilled cheese: friends, fellowship, good conversation, running… the list is exhaustive. I’m grateful for all of it. But really, the grilled cheese, too.



This year, I’m grateful for many things. They are intangible things that all people are grateful for like health and happiness of family, friends and beloved pets. I’m grateful for my job, my home, and my freedom. I’m grateful for the good fortune, security, and progress of my life. And I’m very grateful for being a part of Scoot a Doot!

I’m thankful for the wisdom that comes with age; for being able to recognize how fortunate I am and to appreciate what I have while it lasts. In particular, this year I’m grateful for my marriage and my husband. Like every couple, we’ve faced our challenges over our twenty year history. There were times that I wasn’t sure if we’d make it. Luckily, both of us wanted to do the often-difficult work to make it through the tough times. Although I cannot point to any specific event or moment this year that noticeably changed things, our marriage is stronger than it has ever been. I haven’t been able to put my finger on exactly what it is, but the fact that I’m learning that love can evolve and depend and mature is amazing.

So this year, I’m thankful for the chance to learn more about love with my best friend and high school sweetheart.


My life is so full of great things, it’s hard sometimes to narrow my focus and pick out individual pieces. I’m thankful to have such problems.

I’m thankful for good health. Even though I’ve been sick for weeks, overall, I am well and my family is well. I have a warm house and full pantry. I know how lucky I am for these things.

But mostly, I’m thankful for people. I have so many wonderful people in my life. Some are next to me on the couch, some are right up the road, and some are too far to see as often as I would like, but they all reside close to my heart. Family, family, framily; I’ve been gifted with an abundance of all three.

I’m truly blessed.



It’s not particularly surprising, but as ever, I am thankful for my family, particularly the two main men in my life. Every day I laugh because of them. They are truly the meaning in my life (and, yes, the in-spir-aaaaation).

But I am surrounded by amazing people: family, friends, co-workers. I’ve won the people lottery, and who wouldn’t be thankful for that?

This year, I’m extremely thankful for my very patient friends.  This year has be a roller coaster and I wouldn’t have been able to weather the emotional ebb and flow without my friends, who aren’t really bound by any obligation to love me yet do so anyway.  I can’t even express how much these beautiful people mean to me.
this year
And we’re so very thankful for all of you. Wishing a happy holiday to you and yours from us and ours!
Love, The Chicks

Scoot a Doot’s blogaversary (and a giveaway)

What a year our first has been!

The Scoot a Doot chicks have known each other for years – decades, even – and last winter came together to share our love of fitness, friendship and life.


We’ve shared the joys of our children, including two handsome newborn sons.  We’ve also shared the loss of one beloved family dog, and the addition of several new fur friends.

We’ve celebrated new beginnings, such as new jobs, new relationships and new challenges and goals. We also shared how sometimes we fell short.

Together, with many of you, we raised more than $2,000 to fight childhood cancer as Team Scoot a Doot logged more than 1,750 miles last September for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Million Mile Run.


Together we watched the unthinkable unfold in Boston last April, as bombings abruptly ended the 117th running of the nation’s oldest marathon.

Together, we encouraged each other to do our best, even on days when we felt our worst.

The good, the bad, the unfiltered. We are blessed to share our lives with you, our readers and friends.

As a thank you for reading, we want to share a few special treats for our anniversary giveaway.

Giveaway 1:


We adore PocketFuel and have a great working relationship with them within our first year of blogging. When we reached out to them about joining in on our blogaversary giveaway they were eager to join forces!

In addition to the ten packets of PocketFuel we’ve also got an awesome pink tech t-shirt (large), compliments of .

And, of course, because we like to spoil you all, we picked up some things to go along with this giveaway! A Sparkle Athletic visor, frame and Cinderella picture, and Scoot a Doot t-shirt (x-large).

But wait, there’s more!

Giveaway 2:


image from

We picked up these Oiselle Podium PJs (medium) because they are super comfy and way cute.

Giveaway 3:


image from

Are you ready to run? These Swirlgear shorts (large) are perfect for warm weather running.

So what do you have to do to enter? Simple! Click on the pics below to get to the Rafflecopters for each giveaway. Cool? Cool.


Click to enter giveaway #1


Click to enter giveaway #2


Click to enter giveaway #3

These three giveaways end February 23, 2014 and we’ll announce the winners next Monday! Thanks again for a terrific year and we’ll see you real soon.

What have you done that you’re proud of this past year?

Attitude of Gratitude

Every November there are trends that circle back around. NaNoWriMo for the authors and aspiring novelists. No shave November in support of the American Cancer Society. And of course, seeing many friends and loved ones share what they are grateful for each day on Facebook.


While I don’t express my gratitudes daily, I sincerely feel them throughout the weeks, days, and hours. As you might already know (if you follow our Instagram/Twitter/Facebook) I’m in Disney World this week with my family, prior to running this year’s Wine and Dine. And somehow, Disney makes me feel ALL THE FEELS, in a big way. They’re good like that. My heart swells, my eyes well, and I can’t help but look at my family and think they’re mine, all mine.


I’m grateful for my children’s unbridled enthusiasm which is always authentic and never forced.


And I’m extremely grateful that I have a partner who knows exactly what I’m thinking with just a glance, who will go along with my off the beaten path ideas (like grilled cheese for breakfast), and will make certain things happen for me because he knows that they mean a lot, even if they’re not always the most convenient.


Being down here in Florida has given me the chance to see a few of my favorite people and I’ve got more in store for me. Having the chance to spend a day with Brooke and her family was amazing.

We’ve had a few opportunities to spend long weekends together but this was the first time we had our children together, although I feel like we’ve been planning it forever. We knew that they would love each other as much as WE love each other.


We were not disappointed!


I’m grateful for new things… and things that are tried and true and don’t change. I grew up coming to Disney World and while it keeps evolving and growing, it still feels like “home”. Perhaps that’s why there’s such a well of emotions that are evoked every time I’m here. I spent my family vacations here, a college spring break (let’s not talk about that), my honeymoon. I’m a Mouseketeer, a dreamer, and a believer.


At the end of each day my little family talks about what our favorite thing was of the day. The kids surprise me with their favorites often times because it’s usually not what I would expect them to say. For example, at Hollywood Studios, Little’s favorite was the rainbow that appeared in the sky after a light rain.


And Pooks’ was becoming an Honorary Citizen in the historical One Man’s Dream, the story of Walt Disney. One of the cast members overheard him asking me a question about a first rendition of Mickey Mouse and through a little scavenger hunt, he was award this badge and got to sign a ledger.

I’m grateful for their inquisitive nature, for them wanting to know all there is and all there isn’t. Their relentless pursuit of knowledge keeps me learning, thinking and growing. And seeing things that I might otherwise not notice for lack of observance.


Victoria and I grew up on Disney, although when we were teenagers, we never had the opportunity to share the parks together like we do now. I’ve spent much of my adulthood vacations in Disney and many of them with her by my side and I’m extremely fortunate that we have been able to do so. (I just noticed that we usually take pictures with her on my right! Creatures of habit!)


The other morning, I was in Animal Kingdom when I got an email saying that someone wasn’t able to attending the runDisney’s Wine and Dine meetup and that I was next in line for the spot! I am so very grateful for the experience that I had last evening.

More about that to come but a quick summary: it was amazing from start to finish and I met so many really awesome, really genuine people. It was good stuff and hey, you know ALL THE FEELS I spoke about earlier? Yes. Those were out in full force. I get so emotional, baby!

The emotions will keep on coming all weekend, I’m sure. Along with my gratitude.

Tomorrow morning my kiddos are running in the kids races and their excitement and energy is just feeding my excitement; even though our vacation is nearly over in days, it’s still rich in experience.

To say that I’m  super excited for the next few days might be a slight understatement. People, there will be tackle hugs and tears and pictures (and we will lament that Jess and Bec aren’t with us). There will be meetings with new friends and seeing long-time friends, like Heather and Lisa. There will be squealing, there will be carb-loading lunches and light snack dinners.

And then, just when you’d think that it can’t get much better than that… it does. Because then, we get to run a half marathon!

Stay tuned…