Happy Running Day!

Happy National Running Day! I’m not running, of course. To make matters worse, I wore my sneakers for a little (okay, a lot) longer than I should have on Sunday and ended up with some pain around my ankle on Monday. Since then, I’ve been in the boot for most of my walking time, and now I feel ready to ease back into sneakers. Again. I should have been more diligent but now I know a little more about what my foot can handle. This injury stuff sucks.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking a lot about running, and also trying not to think about running. Sara sent me a text last week to tell me that the Gasparilla half-marathon registration opened soon, and it was quite a low moment for me. I can’t even walk in sneakers for more than four hours right now, so obviously, I’m not registering for any more races until I’m running again.

That said, I know I will run again. Tendonitis is a common injury, and not super serious (don’t tell my doctor I said that, omg.) and I feel whiny and I hate that- I have a 6 year old, a 4 year old and an 18 month old- I hear enough whining during my days without having to listen to my own. Setbacks happen to all of us and the best thing for me to do right now is take the time to heal, and remember that there’s always another race. There are more sunrises to see while on my morning run, more things to chat about during my long runs with Sara, more shoes and patterned pants to buy and many, many more runcations with my Scoot chicks.

School is out down here and I’m in full camp mom mode with my awesome kids. I’ve been looking forward to this since Spring Break because I love creating activities for them (on Monday, we painted rocks to make tic-tac-toe game pieces) and I love taking them on field trips (yesterday- the library and a picnic at a local playground). I think they’re the coolest. I’m planning to take a little break from blogging because I have a lot going on during the day, and most of it is mommy/kid stuff and not exercise stuff, which makes me both happy and sad. I’ll still be reading blogs, of course, so please link yours below.

Today, I’m going to share some of my favorite running photos with you, in celebration of our favorite sport.

With Meri, before the Rothman 8k in 2011

With Meri, before the Rothman 8k in 2011

Running with my middle babe at the Disney Princess kids races in 2012

Running with my middle babe at the Disney Princess kids races in 2012

Happy at mile 13 at my PR race, the Melbourne Beaches half marathon in 2012

Happy at mile 13 at my PR race, the Melbourne Beaches half marathon in 2012

It's not often we get to run together! A beach run with my husband last summer.

It’s not often we get to run together! A beach run with my husband last summer.

Post- UCF 5 miler with my family (we all ran a race that day except the boy!)

Post- UCF 5 miler with my family (we all ran a race that day except the boy!)

Wine and Dine with Meri and Lisa (who had a huge PR that night). Love these girls!

Wine and Dine with Meri and Lisa (who had a huge PR that night). Love these girls!

New Year's Day run with my girl, Dorothy, who is blurry because well, we were running.

New Year’s Day run with my girl, Dorothy, who is blurry because well, we were running.

Before the 10k portion of Disney's Glass Slipper Challenge. I miss my running time with Sara almost as much as I miss running.

Before the 10k portion of Disney’s Glass Slipper Challenge. I miss my running time with Sara almost as much as I miss running.

A friend gave me some advice many years ago- to hold onto a memory, to really be able to pull it back into you mind, you should take a mental picture. Focus on the smell, the sound, the scene before you. How you feel. This isn’t easy to do during a race, because your body is so tired, your mind is thinking of everything, or nothing, or that pain in your whatever…it’s almost impossible to soak in a single moment in time for later recall. I carry my phone in my hand to snap pictures, but my mind does a decent job, occasionally.

I will never forget how I felt after I crossed the finish line after the Melbourne half in 2012- partially because I had achieved the sub-2, and also because I was breathing pretty poorly and worried I was going to pass out. (Later I found out I had bronchitis. Oops.)

I will always remember the joy of crossing the finish line with Mer at her first half marathon. It was such a tearful, happy moment.

My friend Danielle ran my last run of the RW Holiday 2013 streak with me, and went a lot farther, mile-wise, than she planned to because she wanted to help me get to 100 total miles. I don’t remember what the weather looked like, or what we wore, but I remember how grateful I felt for her friendship.

Watching Anne finish her first half-marathon in April is probably my favorite running memory of 2014. I felt high all day because of it (okay, a little bit was due to my own race. But mostly hers. Seeing a friend believe in herself, and achieve something they’ve worked so hard for is magical.)

I can’t wait to get back out there and make some new memories. Share one of your favorites with me?

Happy Running Day!

Last Saturday night, I laced up my sneakers to go meet my friend, Sara, for a run. As I kissed the girls goodnight, my oldest daughter said, “You’ve been running all the time lately, Mama. Why are you always running?” I was already five minutes late, as I am always running five minutes late these days, so I gave her the short answer: “Because Mama is running a race in the fall, so she has to get ready for it.”

That’s a small part of it. The part that keeps me motivated to hit the treadmill at 7:30pm after a long day and a sleepless night, certainly. Side note- when people hear me say that little dude is a good baby, they automatically assume this means he is sleeping through the night. He is not.

Races are great at keeping you accountable. You have to respect the distance, as Chick Vic says, and that means logging those miles each week. But beyond that, why do I run?

I started running regularly because I like dessert and I like wine. Seriously. I’d run off and on since high school, and somewhat regularly after the birth of my first daughter (because the only time she would nap was in the jogging stroller), but once I stopped nursing my second and started gaining weight, I had to do something. I knew I enjoyed running, and you don’t have to join a gym, or buy any equipment*, or have any experience with it. You just lace up your sneakers and go. (*Note to my husband- I really need all that stuff from lululemon though.)

In Sonoma with my husband. We ran every day of that trip because I was training. (We also had dessert at every meal!)

In Sonoma with my husband. We ran every day of that trip because I was training. (We also had dessert at every meal!)

Once I decided to tackle a half-marathon, running became something more for me. I loved watching my pace improve. I craved the solitude on a long run. I liked challenging myself to be better, faster, to run longer. It’s awesome to see what your body and mind are capable of when you train for a race. And crossing the finish line at my first half-marathon was exhilarating. It took less than 24 hours for me to sign up for a second.

Mile 13 of my current PR race.

Mile 13 of my current PR race.

Taking a break to have a baby was hard. I was riding high after my first under-two-hours half, and thinking that it would be the perfect time to train for a marathon, if I wanted to run that distance (something I’m still not sure I want to do). But, my husband and I had planned to try to expand our family at that time, and I knew that there would be other races (and hopefully more PRs).

It wasn’t easy watching others race while my belly grew and my fitness shrunk. Even now, it’s difficult to see my pace and mileage. I’m improving, but I’m nowhere close to where I was. (I know, I know, I had a baby. He brings me so much joy, every day. All of my kids do. I just have a lot of feelings.)

Super dad and husband takes the kids for a walk so I can scoot to the gym.

Super dad and husband takes the kids for a walk so I can scoot to the gym.

Still, I run. I’m lucky to have wonderful friends who also run. And a husband who will watch the kids so I can go to the gym. I can’t wait until we can put little dude in the baby jogger and all run together.

I have goals to reach. Sara and I talked last week about our training plans for this fall and while I don’t think I’ll be setting any personal records this year, there’s always next year. And the year after that. The great thing about running, is there’s always another race to run. And hopefully some cool people to run with you.

Racing with Sara in March 2012.

Racing with Sara in March 2012.

Today is National Running Day! Why do you run? If you aren’t a runner, today is a great day to start!