Road Tested: Road ID

Disclaimer: I received the Road ID Wrist ID Elite to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews! All opinions are my own.

Anyone who has followed Scoot a Doot for awhile knows just how much I love Road ID. I’ve been blogging about my love for all who will listen since I got my first Road ID in 2013.

I started with the Wrist ID Sport. Then I picked up the Wrist ID Slim for my children (and myself while I was at it!). While I was at it, I also got the Wrist ID Elite for my husband. Oh yes, we were the safest people in all the land.

Or at least in all of Pitman, our old town.

All of my family members rock their Road IDs.

And then we moved (to the next town over) (but still…) and I realized that I needed to new Road ID to reflect the change of location! Serendipity stepped in when BibRave put out the call for BibRavePros to check out the Wrist ID Elite band.

His and Hers Road IDs. Need to update his to our new town!

Why do I love Road ID so? Let me count the ways.

Numero uno – Safety. I’m big on running safety and feeling secure. I wear my Road ID everywhere – running, the gym, the store, etc.

Numero dos – Peace of mind. All information that someone might need about me is centrally located. I don’t have any allergies or medical issues but members of my family do and a Road ID is able to speak for you even if you cannot. My younger son has autism and when we originally got my sons their Road IDs, he didn’t have the words to express himself. His Road ID provides that information and also the ways to contact us.

It’s a little scary to play the “what if” game but it’s even more scary if you don’t have a good answer to the questions. Road ID is the answer.

Numero tres – Motivation. Along with the pertinent information, I also have my running mantra inscribed on my Road ID. And cute little badges! It’s always helpful to look down at my wrist and remind myself of my reasons, especially when I’m struggling.

I always fill out the back of my bib but I also refer to my Road ID as well.

Need a Road ID of your own? Of course you do! Click here to get a $5 gift card to use for your Road ID purchase. After you sign up, the $5 gift-card will be valid for 2 weeks. I might have my eye on the Slim Rose Gold ID. And when I say “I might” I mean I must have it.

Join in the BibRave Road ID #bibchat on Twitter on April 18th, 9pm est. I’ll be there with my Road ID on! Two participants will win a Road ID Elite.

Check out other BibRave Pros thoughts on Road ID! MattJeannine – Mai – Janelle

What is your running mantra? What would you put on your Road ID?

Winners! We’ve got two winners right here!


The results have been tabulated (doesn’t that sound all official-like?) and we’ve used to pick our two winners.

*Drumroll please*


What – the numbers 51 and 23 don’t do it for you?  Okay, here’s who is correlated with those numbers!



Congratulations to Scrinina and Heather!  The Scoot a Doot chicks salute you! We’ll be reaching out to you via email so you can claim your $35 eCard gift certificates.

Many thanks to Road ID for partnering with us for this fantastic giveaway!  If you didn’t win, don’t despair; check out philly2goofy’s Road ID giveaway which is running until April 10th.

Road ID Giveaway: Safety first, safety last, safety always!

Who is a Nervous Nelly (like I am) when it comes to safety?

When I first started running longer distances, I always carried my license (and keys, GU, phone, iPod) in either my pockets or pouch and then spent the rest of the run wondering if I was going to lose my license when I grabbed a GU.  I had visions of my license flying out, into the river, and then a tragic accident befalling me as I scrambled after my license. How would anyone know who I was? How would they notify my husband that I had a very overactive imagination?

Or worse, what if something actually happened to me?

Thankfully, my running coach Brandi, and running partner Sarah, saw me silently freaking out during a run one day (until I tracked down my license) and asked what, exactly, I was doing.

That’s when I first heard about Road ID.


Wearing my Road ID during the Cooper Norcross Run the Bridge.

Road IDs are a nifty little way to share your information with anyone who might need to know.  While my license has my name and address, it doesn’t have the phone numbers of my nearest and dearest, which could come in handy if something were to happen to me. Of course, I still fill out the back of my bib during races, but for training runs that’s not an option.

Safety first, people!

Once I got my first Road ID, I clearly needed another because there were so many options and I needed to be really safe. (And fashionable.)

Of course, my friends had to get in on the action.


Jess rocking her Road ID at the Color Run. She was 18 weeks pregnant during this event and while Cam and I were with her, we wanted to make sure she was well cared for!

And my children needed them, too. The slim bracelet works really well for the kids and mine have worn them everywhere from a Disney Cruise vacation, to camping, to school/camp trips and, of course, during runs.


Pooks showing off his Road ID.

Besides including the basics (name, year of birth, hometown and state, phone numbers of family), there’s a sixth line available to include a motto or any medical conditions. My little guy has Autism, which is something that he cannot express for himself at this stage in the game, so the sixth line provides that information if he should ever get separated from us. (Obviously, I’d be having a panic attack, were that ever to happen. But knowing that he has his Road ID will help me have a slightly less severe panic attack.)

While I have all the pertinent information on lines one through five, my sixth line has my motto when it comes to working out – I CAN AND I WILL! It’s always nice to have that little reminder there for myself!

I asked my fellow Chicks what sayings they’d use for motivation.


beewhobabbles JUST TEN MORE MINUTES.

camoozle DON’T STOP.  GET IT, GET IT.

vfreile ANYONE CAN RUN A MILE. (Vic says this to herself when the run gets crappy and rough and she’s down on herself.)

writeitdownjess DON’T FALL ON YOUR FACE, JESS.

Now, of course, we want our Scoot a Doot readers to all be safe and sound, too – which is why we are thrilled to partner with Road ID on a giveaway for two $35 eCard Gift Certificates for two lucky readers to buy their own Road IDs!

So how do you enter to win?  There are a couple of different things you can do to increase your chances:

1. Leave us a comment on this post. What would you put on your sixth line of your Road ID?

2. Follow Road ID on Facebook.  Leave us a comment saying that you did (honor system, guys!).

3. Follow Road ID on Twitter. Leave another comment.

4. Follow Scoot a Doot on Twitter and Facebook. Add another comment!

5. Share this contest anywhere– your own blog, Facebook, Twitter, t-shirt, sign on your lawn, where ever.  Leave a comment (a link is always awesome, as are pictures – especially if you make a t-shirt. That would be really rad) and you get another entry!

Contest ends Thursday, 4/4/13 at midnight EST. We’ll use to choose the winners and announce them on Friday, 4/5/13 here on the blog.  Cool?  Cool!

This contest has sadly come to an end!  Look for more giveaways from us soon!

The kids are watching… and that’s a good thing!


“Momma, there are people running outside! Look at them run so fast!”

My kids genuinely get excited when they see people running on our street.  They press their little faces up against the window and they watch.  They watch the older gentleman on his daily jog, shuffling along.  We live close to a high school and college, so they closely watch as the teams make their rounds. They watch the couple that runs together on the weekends, the woman always a couple of paces ahead of the man.  They watch the young girl and her dog.

They watch.

My kids are your cheerleaders, as well as mine.  You might not hear them from inside my house (actually, it’s quite possible you do; they’re loud and I’m sure their noise transcends time and space) but they’re there, cheering and watching. Everyone is fast to them. And everyone is doing a terrific job in their eyes.

These kids of mine know that sometimes it’s hard work getting out the door to run. They see it in their own home every day and they always ask us, “Did you run today? What did you do at the gym?” The older one truly wants an answer, while the little one just wants you to pick him up, despite the sweatiness.

They’re inspired without knowing the word to put with the emotion.  They’re motivated to run.  To run fast.  To feel free.  Because when other people are running, their natural inclination is to want to run too.

On our Saturday run at the park. For the record, we both wear Road IDs, even when we are running together.

On our Saturday run at the park. For the record, we both wear Road IDs, even when we are running together.

Pace, stride and time mean nothing to them.  Eye of the Tiger is their favorite song (and I’m Sexy and I Know It -much to my dismay- because hearing an eight and three year old singing that is wrong) and they both can belt it while running with no issues. They run around the house, around the yard, around any open space.  Because obviously, open spaces are made for running.

Before I started running, we would point out planes or diggers on car rides. Now? It’s always runners.

Do you play the game in the car of thinking how far things are in relation to your house and how long it would take you to run there? (Or am I the only one? I don’t think I am!) My elder son actually asked me how long I thought it would take to run to the grocery store the other day… and then lamented it probably wasn’t a good idea because “how could we run home with all the groceries?”

I absolutely adore it.  I love that he’s thinking this way and wondering these things, just as I am. Running has made me feel a part of a community, a fraternity of like-minded individuals, my kids are legacies and they want to be a part of it just as much.  If there’s anything I know, it’s that my husband and I are doing right by them by committing ourselves to being healthy and active.

The truth is there are days that I probably wouldn’t choose to run… except that I know they’re watching and they’re cheering for me. So I do.

2012 Mother's Day 5k

2012 Mother’s Day 5k

Keep on running, friends. And know that my children are cheering for you and think that you are number one, whether you’re running in our neighborhood or across the country, just because you’re out there and you’re moving.  And I do, too.