Global Running Day 24 Hour Relay Virtual Race

Disclaimer: I received the Global Running Day 24 Hour Relay to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Runners celebrate Global Running Day the first Wednesday of June each year and while 2020 has brought us many challenges, this did not change. The Rochester Running Company chose to host a virtual 24 Hour Relay, complete with a medal and cotton t-shirt.

The relay was broken down into half hour time slots. I signed up for the 9am slot and the race company used a Sign Up Genius page for others to claim their times. A local friend of mine registered for the time slot right before mine and ran at the park before I did, handing off the virtual baton while socially distancing.

For those who aren’t close in location, we had the option to email, text, or call the runner after us. Fellow BibRave Pro, Lissa, was lined up for the 9:30 time slot so I texted her as I finished up my half hour run. I love how the relay was broken down in terms of time rather than by distance. It felt inclusive of all paces and a lot of my friends signed up because of this.

It was hot and muggy on June 3rd but that didn’t stop us. We headed out to the park and did multiple loops within the half hour time frame.

The relay idea was a great one but not all the teams were full. I think if there was a way to improve this virtual run, it might be to consider filling up teams when people sign up rather than having different “locations” as determining factors of the team.

The medal and t-shirt arrived just over a month after the virtual event. The design of the medal is gorgeous! The t-shirt is a uni-sex cotton shirt with the medal design on the front left breast and the hashtag #Global24Relay across the back.

I’ve been particular with the virtual runs I’ve chosen to do because there are so many options and I don’t want to spread myself too thin but I really enjoyed this first ever event. It was a great way to connect with other BibRave Pros and my local running group as well, all while social distancing and making good choices.


Global Running Day 24 Hour Virtual Relay

Disclaimer: I received an entry to the Global Running Day 24 Hour Virtual Relay as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Hello friends! It’s been more than a minute since any of us have blogged here. I’d apologize for that, except for that fact that it’s been pure survival mode around these parts. I’m sure many of you are feeling the same so rather than apologize I’ll just say that I missed you and I hope you’re doing well.

The days, weeks, and months have run together recently and it’s hard to keep track at this point. But make no mistake, June is coming. Not only that but the first Wednesday of June is Global Running Day. A day to celebrate running and all it has done for us in striving for an active and healthy lifestyle. And while this year has certainly been the weirdest ever… I’m here for it.

There are many different organized events to celebrate Global Running Day. Personally, I’ll be taking part in the Global 24 Hour Relay. On June 3rd, we’ll be banding together to run 30 minute increments and pass the virtual baton from runner to runner. I’m on the Philadelphia, PA team and there are teams from all over the country that you can join.

Furthermore, if you’d like to start your own team, you’re able to do that too! Since it’s virtual, it doesn’t matter where you are located because you’re running on behalf of your team wherever you may be.

The last time I was part of a running relay team with more than 2 runners was back in 2017 when I ran Ragnar PA.

If only we knew that we’d be wearing masks in every day life just a few years later…

I’m signed up to run the 9-9:30am leg for our team. I really appreciated that this is time based, rather than mileage based. Everyone is encouraged to get out there and do the best they can within the given time frame. After running your allotted half hour, you virtually “pass the baton” to your teammate via text, email, or call. What’s important during Global Running Day is the fact that you’re doing it, nothing more!

As incentive, those who register for the early morning time slots are given a $5 discount. Personally, I can’t function at 2:30am but if you can, I’ve spied some open times on Team Philly (hint, hint).

And what do you get for participating in this Global 24 Hour Relay? Well, beside the obvious pride that comes along with it, you’ll receive this shirt and medal at the end of June and be entered into a few raffles from Garmin, Maurten, Goodr, and Trigger Point.


There are so many virtual races happening right now and I’ve been very choosy with what I’ve signed up for so I don’t experience VRF (Virtual Race Fatigue). The community aspect of this relay is what cinched it for me!

Want to join us? You should! Let’s make this #Global24Relay happen!

Safety in Numbers on Global Running Day and Beyond

Disclaimer: I received Sabre products to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

Each year, the first Wednesday in June is Global Running Day. A day to celebrate running and inspire today’s youth to get out and get active. That’s a mission I can get behind, especially as a Healthy Kids Running Series coordinator.

My pup Gemma is my usual running buddy but we’ve been working our way back to running after she recently had CCL surgery. Running is always so much more fun with someone so naturally I reached out to one of my favorite buddies, Ana, and gently and not at all pushy talked her into running with me.

There’s safety in numbers when it comes to running. I never really thought much about carrying pepper gel while running because… well, who’d want to mess with me? However, there’s always the just in case factor. When I heard that BibRave was teaming up with Sabre to bring safety to Global Running Day, the just in case factor jumped to the forefront of my mind.

Sabre not only sent the products above for me but included Pepper Gel and a Personal Alarm with LED Light for a buddy as well. Score for Ana!

We had an hour and a half at dusk to map out our route through a park and nearby town before we needed to return to get our children from band practice.

Global Running Day - Ana and Mer with Sabre Safety products

We went through the empty wooded trail at the local park before hitting the town’s hills. It was mostly quiet, save for our constant talking, because that’s what we do when we’re together.

No need to employ any of the Sabre safety gear but before we hit the road, we checked out the good, noting how easy it was to unlock the Pepper Gel with a flick of the thumb.

While making our way through town, naturally we wondered… just HOW loud is the Personal Alarm? We didn’t want to push the button while on our journey and cause anyone unncessary panic/concern.

Instead we waited until the end of our run and found a spot at the end of a parking lot. Naturally I made a video on Instagram stories, which goes away after 24 hours but YouTube is forever.

Hopefully these are products that I’ll never, ever have to use. But… just in case, they’re good to have. If you’d like to get safety products for yourself or a running loved one, discount code SABRERUN saves 20% at Sabre’s website.