Blogging during COVID-19 has been challenging (as seen by the lack of posts). Actually, life during COVID-19 has been a challenge and blogging has fallen low on the list of priorities but I’ve been giving myself grace because I realize how important that is right now.
I think we can all agree that currently life status is: survival mode.

Snuggling my kids seem to help make me feel better. At least emotionally.
However, I also think that connection is important and I’ve been reminded as I’ve kept a written journal for myself, that blogging is also cathartic. Truthfully, I’m struggling at the moment.
I’m struggling in many of the same ways others are struggling.
There is a litany of wrongs currently in the world and it seems like the list is growing by the day. I’m usually one to find the good in every situation but I probably don’t have to tell you… it’s very difficult right now.
Emotions are high, mentally I’m exhausted.
And on top of all that, I’m physically hurt.
The past few weeks, my knee(cap) has been hurting when I hold my leg a certain way. I’m not usually one to complain and I thought that maybe, just maybe it would go away on its own.
I’ve finally conceded that I need to go to the doctor and made an appointment for two days from now.
It should to be noted that I have high anxiety about going ANYWHERE. When we received the stay-at-home order here in New Jersey back in March, my family decided that my husband would be the one to do the essential trips. I’m somewhat comfortable going to outside locations but going inside anywhere (let alone a doctor’s office) makes me very nervous.
But something needs to be done. I notice the pain most when I’m sleeping. As an added precautionary measure, I’ve stopped running and cycling for the past few days. Shocking, I know.

Last Peloton ride was last week, Cody’s tribute to Britney Spears. I look happy before but I was hurting after.
Riding and running are two of the ways I stay sane in this truly insane world. Maybe it’s an overuse injury? I can see that being the case, even though it doesn’t actively feel like I’ve been doing a whole heck of a lot of anything.
I’m grumbling about it but I’m trying to listen to my body’s cues and make choices that will help instead of hurt. I hope that all I need to do is rest a bit, see the doctor, and be back on my bike/running by next week. Taking things one day at a time is what we try to teach our kids and what I’m trying really hard to remind myself right now. I’m trying to focus on meditation, gentle yoga, and even more gentle strength training.
So, that’s my life update at the moment. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing too big. Just where I’m at on this day in this crazy year of 2020.
I hope you are all safe and well and hanging in there.
Sending hugs!!! Xoxo
Thanks so much, Kim! I know you know this struggle. <3
I just wrote something similar on my blog. I’m struggling with what to say and tired of everything! Glad to know I’m not alone. Hang in there!
You are so not alone with the struggles. <3 Thanks so much for swinging by, Wendy. It's great seeing you here.