Real women move. Yes, they sure do. But what does this mean to me? It means that it doesn’t matter what your body shape, size or fitness level is. It means that you are getting off the couch and doing something.
When you think of an athlete do images of super fit people in Runner’s World come to mind? Do you think of someone with either huge muscles or no body fat? That is what media wants us to think. But to me, it is someone that is strong. Someone that has the willpower to get out there and try to weather their storm. Someone who will try to run their first 5K or a marathon, it doesn’t matter as long as they are becoming a better version of themselves.
There is a giant tree near my home. I run by it as much as possible. It is America’s largest Bebb Oak on record. Some call her Grandma Bebb Oak. She has her own Facebook page. To me, she is strong. Her limbs are heavy and her bark is brittle, but she still stands. She is said to be well over 200 years old. To me she is strong and she is real.
I used to be a slave to the scale. If a certain number didn’t come up, I wasn’t happy. If my pant size wasn’t the right number, I was disappointed. Now I realize that my body is strong. I might not have the perfect amount of body fat. I might be slightly overweight at times. I have never been accused of being skinny. On the flip side, I have been labeled as determined, hard core, and relentless. My legs are more like tree trunks, like that Bebb Oak tree. But those tree trunks get me to the finish line of 100 mile races. I think that if you can believe it you can achieve it.
So get out there and do the impossible. Do what you think you cannot do. Don’t let others establish your limits because they see you in a different light. Redefine yourself. Accept yourself, love yourself. Prove people wrong. Be strong and prove that #REALwomenmove!

#REALwomenmove is a new campaign by my favorite clothing company, Skirt Sports. It is based on REAL women, REAL bodies, REAL inspiration. Skirt Sports believes we all can and should embrace fitness and health. We should be strong, confident and not judge, but rather encourage other women. You can read more about #REALwomen move and check out their great running skirts and other great clothing items at skirtsports.com/realwomenmove
***Disclaimer: I am a brand ambassador for Skirt Sports. They provide me with discounts on their products. Regardless of this, I would wear their products and sing their praises. It’s a company I believe in and am I’m proud to be a part of their family.
Sandy is an Ultra runner who’s on state 35 of her 50 state quest! She loves to push herself and encourage others to dare more than they dream. Sandy shares her running adventures on her blog, TheUltraFreak