Did somebody say FALL? Sign us up – we are totally embracing the cozy nights on the couch, the crisp leaves, and the apple picking. We all agree, Fall gets an A+!
As such, we decided to play a little fill in the blank game, and would love for YOU to play too. You ready?
Fall in my area means_______________.
The one fall tradition I never skip is______________.
The best Halloween candy is____________. But I’m not a fan of__________.
Fall in my area apparently means apple-picking, but in the four years that I’ve lived in Virginia, I still haven’t gotten out to an orchard. Ha. So I guess what I mean to say is that Fall in my area actually means Football. Every Sunday. And Thursday Night. And Friday Night. And Saturday. And Monday Night? Jeez. When I put it that way it sounds like all I do is watch football. Which isn’t necessarily wrong.

Taken on a 2013 hike in VT on the Appalachian Trail
The one Fall tradition I never skip? Sorry, not sorry: Pumpkin Spice Latte. Or Americano. But I get at least one every year. Usually just one. But I always have to check that box in the annual welcoming of pumpkin flavor back into my life.
The BEST Halloween candy are Reese’s cups. There was a heavy barter system and black market candy trade in my house when we were kids to see who could get their hands on the most Reese’s. Pretty much any of the chocolate candy is near the top of my list. I’m not, however, a big fan of licorice-flavored anything, though. Keep that vile junk away from me. No. Thank. You.
Fall in my area means weekly trips to the farm stand for freshly picked apples (and seasonal trips to my in-laws’ farm to pick apples and make pies and cider! It’s also time for stunning, vibrant foliage. I seriously can’t get enough of it!
The best Halloween candy are Reese’s PB cups (pumpkins) and Kit Kats. But I’m not a fan of Snickers, candy corn or any sort of black licorice. Ick.
Fall in my area means pretty much the same as Spring. California doesn’t believe in seasons. Erratic temperatures in the morning that lure you into a false hope that today might be the day you get to wear a jacket. By mid afternoon, you’re cursing the very existence of jackets as the temperatures reach the 90’s. I really love jackets. I hate that California makes me hate them.
The one fall tradition I never skip is apple picking in Oak Glen. Also, trick or treating! We love Halloween! We try to get to Disneyland during the fall, I think the Halloween decor is even better than Christmas!

Crystal Mill near Aspen. Picture courtesy of Jenn’s friend, Jen. @espyphoto
The one fall tradition I never skip is pumpkin scones. Mmmmmmmm. I’m not really a fan of the pumpkin spice thing, but mix it with white flour and sugar, and I’m there. By the way, does anyone have a healthy pumpkin scone recipe??
The best Halloween candy is caramel apples. And mini Baby Ruths. And maybe Reese’s Peanut Butter pumpkins. And Smarties. Can I just say all the candy? But I’m not a fan of candy corn. Gross.
Fall in my area means a crazy amount of things to do. And I truly want to do all of the things! In our family in particular it means lots of Cub Scout and Boy Scout meetings/fundraisers/Halloween parties. It means fall racing (and hopefully PRs!) for me. I love the colorful leaves and the cooler temps. I can borrow Cam’s jackets!
The one fall tradition I never skip is something that signifies fall to my family in particular. We have a tin man made out of cans that Jay and I got as a wedding gift. The boys absolutely love our tin man and it wouldn’t be fall without it on our front steps!
The best Halloween candy is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I will gladly take those off anyone’s hands. But I’m not a fan of licorice (Twizzlers doesn’t count, btw).
Okay, now it’s YOUR turn. We want to hear what makes you swoon when it comes to Fall!
Fall in my area means_ Apples! Hoodies!
The one fall tradition I never skip is Apple Cider Sangria… and dressing up for Halloween, even though I’m usually the only one in my office!
The best Halloween candy is Skittles! But I’m not a fan of people who give out hard candies.