We all have those races that bring us back to them again and again. The reasons vary. Some could be the course. Others are because of the crowd support.
And then there are others… others that promise something extra special.
Give me ice cream and I’m yours forever. Mix ice cream and running? Some might cringe. Me? I say BRING IT ON.
For the past three years I’ve participated in the Jog ‘n Hog, a gastronomical, mental, and physical challenge. Now in its 5th year, the Uncle Dave’s Ice Cream Jog ‘n Hog which takes place at Shady Brook Farm in Pennsylvania, is going strong and so are its participants.
When I heard from race mastermind, Brian (and tangentially his brother, Andrew) this year asking if we were interested in returning, I said, “SIGN ME UP!”
Each year, on International Ice Cream Day -mark your calendars, it’s Sunday, July 17– the Jog ‘n Hog takes place. As the name suggests, you JOG to the designated eating area, you HOG a pint or quart of ice cream, and then you JOG back, all while trying to beat the PACE PIG.
New this year is the (Whoomp, There It Is) TAG TEAM option. Aren’t a huge fan of mixing running and ice cream? You can now have a DE aka Designated Eater. Sign up with a pal and you can run while they eat. Or vice versa! Anything goes!
Joining me for the half jogger division are two ladies who are no strangers to the Jog ‘n Hog. Team Scoot a Doot is currently made up of Christina, Rachel, and myself.
Christina – “There are many things I love about the Jog n Hog–from the nausea in the July heat to the taunts of the pig to the soothing rhythm of jimmies swishing back and forth in one’s running belt–it’s just a unique race that is not to be taken too seriously.”
Rachel – “Two of my favorite things: running and ice cream. I mean, who doesn’t like sweating like a pig and then eating a pint of ice cream like a pig to cool down?”
We hope that you sign up because there is always room for more in our inevitable selfie shot(s)! The only thing we ask is that you share toppings with us.
I think my goal for this year will be two-fold. 1. I think I can eat the entire pint. Christina is always really good at finishing her ice cream and makes me feel incredibly guilty when I don’t! So with her coaching, I know I can do it. And 2. Maybe I’ll actually beat the pig this year.
So, what do you say? Want to join in the fun? If you register before June 1st, you’ll save some moolah. Or you could try and win the giveaway!
The giveaway ends May 22nd, so if you’re not our giveaway winner, you still have time to register before the price increase on June 1. Thanks to Jog ‘n Hog for always being so great to us and our readers!
My favorite ice cream flavor is cookies n cream! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Mint choc chip!
Hands down and spoon up for Salty Caramel!
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