There’s a new hashtag circulating for Atlantic City: #thisisAC
After this weekend’s race I would like to add an asterisk that reads #thisisAC *but please don’t base your opinion on the weather this weekend.
This weekend marked my 5th April Fools Half Marathon. Forget about 13, apparently 5 is the unlucky number when it comes to the Atlantic City Race Series.
The normal pleasant conditions that I associate with this race were MIA. With steady rain for the 7k/11k and the gale-like winds for the half marathon on Sunday, racers were not dealing with what we would call “ideal weather”.
And to think when we got our hats, we were worried that we might be too hot in them. Not so much.
Chrissy and I had our normal text conversations going the whole week prior, discussing weather, outfits, changes to outfits because of the weather, plans on what to do if one of us blew away, etc. We had a couple of windy training runs in Atlantic City but nothing that quite prepared us for Sunday’s half.
What did help us prepare for the half was doing those weekly training runs in AC. Honestly, I’m so very glad that we were able to do that because it did help us know our way around the casinos, boardwalk, and gave us an overall idea of what to expect.
However… we were not planning on the heavy winds and really, there’s no way TO plan for something like that.
So you can do one of two things:
1. bail
2. run, smile, and keep a positive attitude (as you’re getting sand in your mouth and pushed all over the course like a rag doll)
We went with option number 2, of course.
It was a little disorganized prior to the start. I’ve grown accustomed to this; the host hotel has changed more than once over the years and packet pickup is always at a different location from year to year. However, it’s still challenging to figure out exactly where to go. Runners rely on runners and we were all following each other around the Resorts Casino, looking for packet pickup.
Close to 8am, we made our way outside to get ourselves acclimated to the colder air. While heading out I overheard a coordinator saying that they were pushing back the start time 10 minutes.
The blow up start line was not out, due to the high winds. The race director also cautioned us to watch for blown over cones on the course.
I’m not exactly sure why that happened but the extra minutes went by fast. There was a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem and then we were off!
I don’t have many pictures from the course because it was pure survival mode out there. Plus, I was afraid my phone might blow away. But a big highlight was seeing Hollie (FueledbyLOLZ) being escorted with a cyclist as first female. What does it even feel like to run that fast? I’ll never know.
I was on the lookout for music on the course so I could break out a little dance solo, as Jenn has done previously. Click the picture to see her little jig.
With the wind, it made things difficult for musicians to be out there. So I was very excited when, at mile 6 or so, I heard the sweet wail of the bagpipes played by Piper Rick. Chrissy grabbed my phone and I geared up to do my very best bagpiping dance moves. Click the pic to see!
Sadly, you will never get to see my bagpiping dance moves. I’m truly sorry for that.
The winds were not hitting us directly from the front, or pushing us along from the back, but rather coming sideways. Which meant that we were getting literally swept off our feet both out and back along the course.
It was… not fun. There was never a point in the race that I thought, “Hey, this isn’t so bad.” It was mostly just gritting our teeth (and the sand in our teeth).
I kept thinking it might get better. Alas, it did not get better. The only better was when we were finally done and we were able to not be in the wind anymore.
But through it all, Chrissy and I stuck together and looked out for each other. The conditions were miserable; we were not happy. But we did it and I’m so glad that we did it together. Once I got home I was ready bed I was looking on Facebook and found that I had shared this image a year ago, to the day.

Via Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.
We adjusted our sails yesterday. And while admittedly, it was not perfect, we did it anyway.
Plus, we got some pretty awesome bling.
It spins!
And also awesome drinks.
So while yes, #thisisAC, I hope first timers to the race don’t get scared away by the ridiculousness that Mother Nature threw at us this weekend.
Because this is also AC!
This was my first race of 2016 and my thought is when you start with the toughest conditions, it can only get better. Right? Right! A few days later, my body is still hurting although slowly but surely, I’m feeling back to the status quo.
Did you #doAC this weekend? Run another race? I heard Syracuse was brutal (Bonnie had frost on her brows!), and the Philly Hot Chocolate 15k ran out of medals. What races do you have coming up? Next up for me is the Vineyard 5 miler and Broad Street 10 miler!
The races last weekend were crazy! My 4 miler in Philly was canceled due to the winds! And I’m sad I had to completely change my outfit for this Sunday’s Love Run (my FIRST half!!) because it’s going to be in the 30’s, boo!
But I was able to get a bib for BSR so hopefully this year we can find each other!
Oh Jenna, I really hope something miraculous happens and you get a bit warmer temps this weekend. Your first half will be so exciting, no matter what though, and I can’t wait to hear all about it!
YESSSSS, for the Broad Street Run. We definitely need to try and track each other down. 🙂
So proud of you guys for sticking it out in those ridiculous conditions! I didn’t even think about all the sand that would be blowing around. Yuck. So glad you got to do your birthday race though! And yes my race was brutal. 😉
Birthday races are necessary to start a new year, am I right? What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger! xo
I’m bummed I didn’t get to meet you this weekend! This race was miserable. You summed it up pretty well. I also noted the disorganization. I was disappointed in AC frankly but had a wonderful time with my girlfriends!
Oh Mar, I KNOW! The entire time I was looking for you guys but I also knew that with the conditions, no one would be sticking around for a post race party. It was just too miserable and windy. I am so glad that you had a good time with the girls. xoxo
So many props for fighting it out this weekend!!! Hopefully you’ll never have to race in winds like that again.
I was telling my friend that while Beat the Blerch Morristown was by far the hardest course I’ve ever done, this took the cake (mmmmm, cake), weather wise. Here’s to smooth running ahead! <3
I ran the 7k on Saturday and it poured rain the entire time! I don’t know if I would have preferred the wind that you guys had on Sunday though….sounded miserable! Great job pushing through!
Thanks so much, Lauren! And way to go with the 7k. The weather was just not being kind to us this weekend.
Best. Race hats. Ever.
Aren’t they adorable? We bought them on Etsy! 🙂
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