Oh, come on, you know you’re singing The Proclaimers song with me!
Da-da-da dun-diddle un-diddle un-diddle uh da-da
Now that we’ve gotten that out of our systems…
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you probably know by now that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. And unless you’ve been living under a rock in that cave, you probably ARE aware of childhood cancer. So why is there a whole month devoted to bringing awareness to a disease that people already know about?
Well, firstly, cancer sucks and if we can help eradicate it by any means possible, WE WILL DO IT.
Let’s take a peek at some facts.
Last year, the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation decided to up the ante and invited people to donate miles in hopes of reaching a million. What’s the significance of a million miles?
Personally, I’ve pledged to complete 100 miles this September. It’s a higher number than what I usually do within a month but attainable and for the very best cause. Every step I take during a run, every person I connect with during a walk with my dog, and even walking my child home from school – it all counts toward my goal of raising miles and awareness! As such, I feel like I’m part of something that’s bigger than myself and that’s a good feeling!
Speaking of something bigger than myself, our team has been absolutely incredible at logging miles and fundraising. When we first heard about the initiative last year, the thought of fitness bloggers from all across the country coming together and donating their miles just overwhelmed us with emotions. Furthermore, we’ve seen both last year and this year, it has encouraged people who wanted to get moving to join us, get out there, and have the support of others while doing it.
In the past 21 days alone, our team has raised nearly 1000 miles and over $1700! And, you’ll be happy to know that it’s not too late to join our team! Want to get in on the action? Check out our Team Scoot a Doot Million Mile page.
We’re rewarding our top miles donated, top fundraiser and random #onwednesdaywearyellow social media photo with some fun prizes, including gorgeous Momentum Jewelry motivation wrap bracelets and foot notes.
Make sure to swing by some of our team members blogs, like Nicole, Bonnie, Suzanne, and Kristen to cheer them on as they #Journey2aMillion!
Nine days until the end of the month… LET’S DO THIS!
Many thanks to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for the facts and figures in this blog post. And thank you, thank you, thank you to Amy of Momentum Jewelry!
Happy to be a part of this group 🙂
Love having you, Nicole! Thanks for all that you’re doing to bring awareness to the cause. 🙂
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Mer, you know that this is a deepy personal topic for me, given that my sister is a pediatric cancer survivor. I can’t tell you how much it means to be part of this team, and I’m so grateful to everyone who has donated their time and money to this cause.
We love you and your fam, Bec. xoxoxo
Such a good cause!! Childhood cancer is terrible and the amount of money given to it is despicable! They’re children!! Find them a cure!!!
AMEN RACH! Let’s do all we can to make a difference and help find a cure. xo
Yay thanks for the shoutout! I realized last night that I haven’t been updating my miles but now I’m less than 12 miles from my goal! I need to kick it up in the next 2 weeks to get those done!