Is It Hot In Here?

Not for long.

Have you heard about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? If you have Facebook, you probably have. It’s basically monopolized my feed for days!

The #icebucketchallenge was started by Pete Frates, former captain of the Boston College baseball team, who was diagnosed with ALS. He challenged a few friends and family. They challenged a few friends and family. Yesterday, Ethel Kennedy challenged Barack Obama.

What does dumping a bucket of freezing cold ice water over your head have to do with ALS? NOTHING. But it’s certainly raising money, to the tune of 1.35 million dollars in just over ten days, and hopefully awareness about ALS.

Plus, fun to make your friend’s dump water on themselves! So, in lieu of a traditional post today, I direct you to the video below.

And to all of you, I nominate you guys as well. Get wet. And then try and get your friends and family in on it. And, if you’re able and so inclined, you can donate to ALS here.



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  1. Pingback: Back to reality after #birdcamp | Scoot A Doot

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