A Day In the Life: Bec

When we talked about these ‘day in the life’ posts, I really had to think about whether I wanted a weekend day or a weekday. My weekends are busy, but these days, it’s mostly just me driving people to different places and then sitting there for an period of time. However, a weekday in my life can swing anywhere from a sort of average-busy-working-mom day to barely controlled chaos.

I picked a weekday and hoped for the former. I wound up somewhere closer to the latter. But that’s okay, because it will make this pictorial a bit more interesting (I hope).

Every day starts with coffee. Because I don't like yelling at people. Also, I'm a bit in love with my new water infuser (lemon and mint, so delicious!)

Every day starts with coffee. Because I don’t like yelling at people. Also, I’m a bit in love with my new water infuser (lemon and mint, so delicious!)


Since I knew the day would involve pictures, I went with the full blowout, makeup and contacts. I'm vain. Judge away.

Since I knew the day would involve pictures, I went with the full blowout, makeup and contacts. I’m vain. Judge away.

It ended up that the day I chose had a doctor’s appointment, which meant working from home in the morning, and then heading to the office later.

View from my home office. Laundry is my whole world.

View from my home office. Laundry is my whole world.


Tracking points. This Weight Watchers thing works, guys.

Tracking points. This Weight Watchers thing works, guys.

Then, me and Kay headed off to the doctor. With a quick stop for more coffee. As you do.

Me and my bestie.

Me and my bestie.


After getting her dropped off at school, I settled in to work and unpacked.


My lunch. Yes, just for one day!

My lunch. Yes, just for one day!


View from my actual office. Please note the lack of laundry.

View from my actual office. Please note the lack of laundry.


At the end of the day, I headed back home to perform the remainder of my mom duties.


I get greeted by the cutest boy in the whole world. It makes it all worth it.

I get greeted by the cutest boy in the whole world. It makes it all worth it.


Dinner, Weight Watchers style. Omnomnom.

Dinner, Weight Watchers style. Omnomnom.


After dinner, I got a text from my walking buddies. It was a nice night, so we decided to head to the track. It’s been a long winter and the cold has been lingering here, so we’ve got to take these moderate temperatures where we can, before the full summer of ridiculous hot rolls in.

Track selfie! In my Scoot shirt, of course.

Track selfie! In my Scoot shirt, of course.


And how do I end this marginally crazy day? I think most of us know the answer to that.

No, YOU eat ice cream every night.

No, YOU eat ice cream every night.


I hope you guys enjoyed this glimpse into my little corner of the world. Happy Friday!




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