BRB – I’m streaking!



Two winters ago I was dealing with a lot of snow and a bit of ennui. Brooke in Florida suggested we participate in a streak and since I’m game for anything Brooke suggests, I completed my first run streak ever.

Last holiday season was a tough one and I didn’t feel like doing much of anything at all. We all have times like that, right?

But guess who’s back? Back again. (Please sing Eminem with me.) When a friend mentioned the Runner’s World Run Streak in a Facebook post last month I said to myself, “Self, this is something that would keep you accountable and moving throughout the holidays! You should do this.”


Day 1, I hit the streets with Gemma June. Why yes, my dog has a middle name.

My healthy ways have been somewhat lacking for the past month while we remodeled our bathroom. I’m happy to report that I’m back in my gym routine and running daily, thanks to the run streak! Plus, thanks to global warming (that’s weird to say), it’s actually been pretty gorgeous here in New Jersey and I’ve been able to get outside for many of my miles.

Ran through the field at my son's school while he rode nearby and cheered for me.

Ran through the field at my son’s school while he rode nearby and cheered for me.

That’s not to say that everything is AMAZING and I love every moment. There are definitely days that I don’t want to get out there. Timing has been tough, thanks to scheduling conflicts and I’m sort of one that thrives on routines so throwing a run in midday or at night after eating dinner (blech) isn’t always easy. My favorite time to run is in the morning. But you know what? I’ve gotten it done – at least a mile a day for the past 15 days.


Some days I push hard. Other days I just take it “easy” and when I say easy, I mean as easy as running can be. For me, it’s never easy. And that’s okay. I’ve been happy with my miles thus far and haven’t regretted a single one.

Momentum Jewelry keeps me motivated. And trust me when I say, when I'm glancing at my watch, I'm internalizing those words.

Momentum Jewelry keeps me motivated. And trust me when I say, when I’m glancing at my watch, I’m internalizing those words. I repeat them as a cadence.

When I’m out there with my dog, she’s always pushing my pace and we’re trying not to trip over each other. Okay, okay, I’m trying not to trip over her.


Come on, mom! Let’s go!

If the outside option isn’t available, I’m lucky to have my trusty treadmill. I like having all my senses available when I’m running with my dog so I haven’t been listening to music when running outside. When I get on the treadmill? I rock out!


Dancing, singing, hands in the air like I just don’t care.

15 days down out of 37 – so far, so good! I’m loving this run streak and I’m happy that I’m loving it. So much of this month is dedicated to others, which is always something that pleases my philanthropic heart, but I also love having something that it mine.

My foot doesn’t hurt, my legs feel strong, and hey, it’s supposed to be a high of 63 degrees today so excuse me while I get out there!


Have you ever done a run streak? Are you participating in the #RWRUNSTREAK? How’s it been going for you?