New journeys for a new year

2013 was a big year for me.

I ran two marathons, including a runDisney coast-to-coast ultra in memory of two fallen firefighters. I PRed in nearly every distance and became an Oiselle team runner.

I covered several high-profile trials at work and for the second straight year, ran more than 1,000 miles.

So what’s next for 2014?

Honestly, I am still trying to figure that out. I have several spring races planned and I would like to run a fall marathon, but I also want to do something new and different. What? I’m not just sure.

I don’t make resolutions. But I know I need to work toward a few fitness and overall life goals:

I need to work on my core, and not make excuses when I’m not in the mood or the weather makes travel difficult.

I need to drink less coffee and more water.

I need to clean put my closets, become more organized and purge unnecessary items with a mass decluttering.

I need to be more patient.

I need to step out of my comfort zone and try something new.

I need to be better about living in the moment, and just go with it.

So I plan to live by this mantra in 2014, live each day better than the day before. If I follow that plan, I can’t go wrong.

What suggestions do you have for my coming year? What should I try? What are your 2014 goals?