Happy Superbowl Sunday, my friends!
Since it’s a day of celebration (and #allthefood) I thought I’d share some exciting news I received this week. For the second straight year, I’m going to be part of the PRO Compression ambassador team!
As maaaaany of you know, I love the small California-based label’s compression socks and was invited to be part of the team last summer. The socks are made in the USA, for and by an awesome group of endurance athletes. The socks are incredible – I’m wearing a pair as I write this – because they help with enhanced blood flow in your lower extremities.
I typically wear them for any run over 10-miles – then for recovery. Today I slogged through snow that seemed more like quicksand, so on they went. There are LOADS of colors and fun designs – and the company makes several styles- low, mid and long socks.
I am thrilled to represent the company for another year. And note that’s good for y’all too. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for some compression sock and sleeve giveaways down the line.
In the meantime, here’s today’s sale! Take 40% off all the items in PRO Compression’s online store AND free shipping on all order over $2.! Use the code SUPER at checkout.