Disclaimer: I received Brilliant Reflective to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews! All opinions are my own.
2017 has been a year of getting out of my comfort zone when it comes to running.
After 6 years of doing the same running routes, the same treadmill routines, the same daytime running, I’ve been changing things up significantly. The same will no longer cut it! Hill running, sprints, and (the most daunting for me) running in the dark are now where it’s at.
With Ragnar PA less than 2 months away, my running in the dark skills have progressed rapidly. I’m feeling more confident in my abilities and also in my gear.
A few months back I shared my thoughts on Knuckle Lights and since then I’ve been using them during my pre-sunrise/post-sunset runs.
Now I’ve been able to add another product to the mix to help with visibility: Brilliant Reflective!
Brilliant Reflective are reflective adhesive strips that are available in either Iron-On or Stick-On. You can place these little strips on different areas of your body that catch light when you’re moving (known as biomotion).
My in the dark running usually takes place at 5:30 in the morning when I arrive at the gym. While driving there I often see runners out. Some wear the proper gear and others I don’t see until I’m next to them! I often times want to stop and giving them reflective gear! (That would be a little forward of me, huh?)
When it’s pitch black and cold, I usually opt for the treadmill however recently with the warmer weather and my quest to conquer running in the dark, I’ve been heading outside to either parking lot of the gym or the nearby side road before the trainer gets to the gym.
As a runner, I want to be as visible as possible. I used the Stick-On strips on the front and back of my favorite capri pants, placing them at the knee, back of the knee, and side of my hip.
Pairing them with my Knuckle Lights (and a bright orange shirt), I felt confident that I was visible to anyone driving in the early morning hours. I also make sure that I’m running against traffic so that I’m able to see the cars coming toward me.
I know this sounds silly but I was a little worried that people at the gym would question why I had what looks like tape all over my clothes. They did not, for the record. In fact, I’m pretty sure that they didn’t even notice the strips as they blended right in with my workout gear.
Since I was happy with the temporary Stick-On, I decided to give the permanent Iron-On Brilliant Reflective a try. You should know that I don’t ever use the iron on regular clothes because well, it seems like a lot of effort! But when it comes to running gear, it’s game on!

The top picture is without the flash and the bottom is with the flash to show you just how much light the reflective tape picks up!
It was simple to iron on the permanent strips to the lapel area, hemline, elbows and wrists of my half-zip shirt. One package is less than $10 and it lasts!
I still have quite a few strips left and I plan to put them on my dog’s leash, the kids helmets, camping gear, and maybe even secretly put one or two on my husband’s clothing. Oh, the possibilities! I chose purple but the strips also come in black, blue, and red. Be sure to be seen with Brilliant Reflective. Code “BIBRAVEPRO25” is good for 25% off your order until Tuesday 11:59pm CT so don’t delay.
Are you on Twitter? Join the Brilliant Reflective #bibchat on Tuesday, April 11th at 9pm est! And be sure to check out what my fellow BibRavePros have to say.
Mai – Jeph – Jessica – Lindsey – Jen – Gina