Mer and Cam here! Mer is a recent first time Ragnarian, while Cam is our seasoned pro with more than 10 Ragnars under her belt with her first back in 2012.
While Ragnar PA presented its own unique course and yes, set of challenges, we are both of the opinion that Ragnar is one crazy good time (emphasis on the crazy). Besides the awkward post-race walk and the huge medal, there are a few telltale signs you’re now a Ragnarian.
You know you’re a Ragnarian if…
When you used to see white vans, you thought there were strangers that were going to lure you with candy and going to kidnap you.
Now you think that there are strange people that you may have just met who will give you candy… and drop you off in the middle of nowhere to run.
You know you’re a Ragnarian if…
You spend the days leading up to Ragnar buying random props and costumes off the internet and practicing your stealthy ninja ways… and fighting off your children from playing with your props. They are NOT toys, people, they are props!
You know you’re a Ragnarian if…
If anyone says anything resembling a song lyric, there will automatically be a sing-along.
You know you’re a Ragnarian if…
When setting up a ninja star assembly line four hours before you’re supposed to get up to run 200ish miles becomes a priority. Furthermore, when only sleeping four hours before running 200ish miles is the “good” plan.

The early ninja gets the kill!

It seemed like a good idea at the time…
You know you’re a Ragnarian…
When you start sharing toilet paper with your new friends. Also, when you’re moved to tears by the sight of indoor plumbing.
You know you’re a Ragnarian…
When you all of a sudden need not one, but two new Ragnar sweatshirts… in June.
You know you’re a Ragnarian…
When you develop the ability to sleep anywhere because even concrete has to be more comfortable the van.
You know you’re a Ragnarian if…
You never see another hill again in your life, you would be a-okay with that.
You know you’re a Ragnarian if…
Even though you hate them, you can still appreciate those hills because at least it gets you views like these:
You know you’re a Ragnarian if…
You can’t help but question your sanity but then you see this sign and it makes it all better.
You know you’re a Ragnarian if…
Even after all this, you start planning your next Ragnar because as soon as you’re apart, you miss your relay team.

It’s so hard to say goodbye!
You know you’re a Ragnarian if…
You know that you can do anything because, after all, you’ve done a RAGNAR.
Have you done a Ragnar Relay? If you have, what would you add to this list? If you haven’t, does this make you want to do one or have we scared you away? 😉
I would love to do one, but they TOTALLY scare me. This one is the closest to me in location, but it has never worked out with my schedule. I have two fears associated with Ragnars: A (probably unfounded) fear that I’d be the turtle of the team, and also a fear of not having a bathroom if i’m having a bad day (#ibdproblems).
Honestly, I completely understand your fears because I was right there with you on one, at least. I was so nervous that I would slow my team down but it all sorta evens out when it comes to different people running at different paces. We weren’t going for any speed awards so it was more about community and camaraderie! Additionally, if you’re running behind schedule with your estimated finish time, Ragnar keeps a close eye on that and gives you ways to move along to finish. It was the first time in awhile for Ragnar PA and they really needed to work out the kinks as far as how long it would take for teams to finish.
As for the bathroom issue, I had the opposite problem (TMI alert!) in that I just COULD NOT POOP. My entire van knew of this problem because naturally I couldn’t stop talking about it. Good times, good times. Thankfully most of the exchanges had portapotties and some even had REAL BATHROOMS (and we totally heard angels singing when we saw them).
Ah, I’m so jealous that you two did a Ragnar! The one that I want to do has a lottery entry so I’ll have to try entering later this year for next year’s race. Congrats on finishing your relays ladies!
Which one do you want to do, Mai? I feel like Cam has done nearly all of the ones on the west coast! I’m so glad that I finally got to participate in one – it was just as insane as I anticipated. 😉
I’m glad you did it finally and you all had so much fun. Modern plumbing is such a blessing! Which is next??
You didn’t scare me, but you did convince me more than ever that I’m not made for Ragnar. One day, tho, I’ll drive the van. <3
The van drivers were our MVPs! Seriously. I would LOVE to have you as our driver!