Ready for the fourth installment of Chick-on-Chick interviews? I am!
In case you missed earlier installments, you can rewind (and click on the names) to learn more about Brooke, Meri and Bec.
Jess and I haven’t actually met in person…yet! But Meri has never led me wrong with a friendship connection, so when she suggested I chat with the lovely Jess, I did. A beautiful friendship was born!
Vic: You’re a new mom! Aside from the handsome boy we all adore, how has your life changed since he was born?
Jess: Gosh, how has it NOT changed? Besides the obvious things, like weekends filled with play dates, early mornings (and really early bedtimes!), and needing to attend to his needs 24/7, I think my perspective has completely shifted. I don’t get hyped up about the little things quite as much, which I think is a good thing! I can be high strung, so it’s good to have him as a reminder of what’s really important.
Vic: What do you like to do when you ultimately get some time to yourself?
Jess: I love to shop! I go down to Union Square and get an iced coffee then kind of wander around. Inevitably I’ll come home with something for Bug. Baby Gap owns me!
I get a couple hours to myself when he goes to bed, too, so I’ll catch up on celebrity gossip and DVRed shows, or cuddle with Mister Jess. Or read! Reading is up there, and I don’t get to do it often enough anymore.
Vic: Time seems to fly away from me too. Which chick did you meet first and how did you meet her?
Jess: Meri was the first chick I met. We started talking online due to a shared love of writing and then met for real at Comic Con down in San Diego in 2010 (which is kind of hilarious because we are definitely not the Comic Con demographic). But I remember that moment of seeing her in the airport and running toward her clear as day! We hugged for about ten minutes. It was very romantic. 😉
Vic: That sounds so dreamy. And I have had similar encounters with Meri in airports. By the way, am I the only one you haven’t met in person? We must rectify that!!!
Jess: I haven’t met Bec either! But yes, we must rectify it SOON!
Vic: Tell us more about your love of dance! Did you train and take lessons as a child? What is your fave dance style?
Jess: I did take lessons when I was little. I did ballet with my cousin, Charity, and dabbled in tap and jazz. But I think when it comes to dance, I’m just a free spirit. As much as I would love to be an accomplished dancer prancing around on the stage of “So You Think You Can Dance”, choreography and I just never really mixed. I have to do my own thing!
But dancing makes me happy, in any capacity. I have such a strong emotional connection to music and I think dancing is an extension of that.
Vic: Aw, I love it. How did you meet your husband, Mr. Jess? Through dance? How long have you known each other?
Jess: We met online in an AOL chat room. Seriously! This was eleven years ago before Match and eHarmony and basically any other kind of dating website. And neither of us were there to date anyway. It was just all very random and kismet-y, right place at the right time, etc. I have an entry in my journal from that first night we “met” where I said I was going to marry him, and lo and behold, I did!
Vic: That was so meant to be! You have what many fashionistas would consider a dream job! Please tell is about what you do and why you love it.
Jess: I’m a product developer for a makeup company, which basically means that I get to create some of the makeup shades and kits that people eventually see on shelves (and hopefully buy). It’s what I went to school for, although I focused on apparel there. Then I did an internship at another local cosmetics company and fell in love with the industry, and eventually ended up at my current company.
Sometimes I look at my job from afar and think, “whoa, this is pretty cool!” It’s definitely a unique industry, and I also love that it’s female-dominated. Seeing so many successful women around me really inspires me.
Vic: That is pretty inspirational. 🙂 What feat are you most proud of in your post-college life?
Jess: I’m proud of the fact that I left home at 19 to go to college in a different state (my mom is probably crying reading this, haha. I love you, Mom!). I’ve dealt with anxiety and panic attacks for most of my life, so looking back I’m like, “how the hell did I do that?” I’m proud of the fact that I got through some of my roughest years anxiety-wise, and that I didn’t give up on staying in California with Mister Jess. Just overall, given the (often self-imposed) obstacles I faced, I’m really, really proud of the life I’ve built.
Vic: As you should be! So… what fitness accessory can you not live without and why?
Jess: My Fitbit! This will surprise no one, as I have mentioned on the blog and our Twitter how obsessed I am. I freaking love that thing and I get upset if I forget to put it on. It’s so fun to see how many steps I’ve taken at the end of the day, how many calories I’ve burned, how many stairs I’ve climbed. I feel like such a bad ass!
Vic: You ARE a bad-ass! But what, if anything, would you change about yourself?
Jess: Definitely my anxiety. I mean, it’s certainly taught me things and I think I’ve grown from my struggles with it, but I feel like even when I have no reason to be anxious, the thoughts just pop up and I can’t control them. That’s the most frustrating part about it, that thoughts just come without permission and then they kind of take root there. I think about when Bug gets older, is he going to see me struggle with it? Will that affect him in any way? I want to protect him from it, but at the same time it’s such a part of me that I know I won’t be able to 100%.
Vic: You’ve definitely grown over the years. We all do! Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Jess: Given how fast this year has gone, that’s right around the corner! I don’t know where I’ll be…maybe in the ‘burbs. Hopefully I’ll be writing. I’ll be the mom of an almost-10-year-old (ack!). Still dancing, of course. And happy. I definitely see myself being happy.
There you go! That was the chronicles of our own Jess. Is there anything more you’d like to ask Jess? Anything you want to know for future Chick interviews? If so, let us know in the comments!
I’m so jealous of your amazing job!!! So cool.
A few years out of business school a friend asked for help prepping for an interview with, right after Amazon bought it, but before they folded it into the same look and feel as Amazon. In under 15 minutes I was able to send her an extremely detailed customer profile and questions to think through and ask her interviewer. I immediately questioned why I had stayed in health care when I am such a wannabe fashionista/make-up hound I should have changed industries when I had the opportunity (in business school).
It’s never too late! Other industries can sometimes surprisingly translate into cosmetics. It’s a really fun industry to be in if you ever find your way there!
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