Going Green

We’ve been going green for the past few months in our house. Green, pink, purple and sometimes even brown. I’m talking about smoothies, of course, which is not a new thing but it’s new to me. In the past I’ve preferred to eat my fruits and veggies whole, but I’m slowly starting to enjoy drinking my greens.

Once I began using the blender daily, we decided it was time for an upgrade. My friend, Dorothy, sang the praises of her Vitamix, and even made me some peanut butter with hers. When she showed me how easy it was to clean, I was sold. Two weeks ago, we brought home this baby:

Even Little Dude is excited.

Even Little Dude is excited.

Prior to setting up my Vitamix, I stuck to a pretty basic smoothie- banana, greens, almond milk. Now I’m alllll about experimenting.

First, I tried this kale smoothie- mango, kale, banana? Delicious. I drank this every morning until I ran out of frozen mango.

After eating Mexican food on Super Bowl Sunday, I tried this cilantro smoothie-

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The cilantro flavor was strong but I’m a cilantro fan, so hooray! Another win.

After my long run on Sunday, I had a recovery smoothie, but used protein powder instead of greek yogurt (because that was what I had on hand). This tasted okay…I’m not sure about the powder. However, I’m usually ravenous after a long run, even after eating, and with this, I felt satisfied until lunch time.

On Monday, I made a spinach and avocado smoothie . This was interesting, in a good way. I mainly tasted the tang from the greek yogurt and the lime. It was super creamy, and I think the fat in the avocado cut the chalkiness of the greek yogurt (fat free greek yogurt isn’t my favorite). I’ll definitely make this again.

Yesterday, I decided to try the Glowing Green smoothie. Dorothy swears by this one, so I knew it had to be good. I shared some with my husband and also brought one to Sara, and we were all impressed with the taste, considering the amount of greens in it.

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I’m almost out of peanut butter, so that’s up next. I’m so excited to use this machine every morning!

Smoothie fans, send me your fave! Vitamix owners, what else can this thing do?

11 thoughts on “Going Green

  1. I have a smoothie almost every day for lunch, so I’m a huge fan! I do use whey protein powder and unsweetened vanilla almond milk for my base, but the other ingredients are always changing. Love to get some veggies this way, and the little one loves to help. I find if I let her put in the spinach or kale…she doesn’t even question the shake being green….she just drinks it! Gotta love that!

  2. I love my morning smoothie! Unsweetened applesauce, any kind of juice, your favorite frozen fruit and frozen kale or spinach is my go-to! No Vitamix but we have a Ninja – if you like hummus make it is a cinch (and way cheaper)!!

  3. This looks like so much fun. I’m usually a fruit smoothie girl. I’ve tried some greens in there too and… well, I’d rather eat than drink the greens. Bring on the salad! 😉

  4. I’m with Meri on the green drinks haha (though not with her on eating the greens – I’m not a salad girl). But I’m glad you’re loving the Vitamix! It’s an awesome way to incorporate more fruits and veggies in your diet (and your kiddies’ diets too).

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