Tales of the Boot: Books I’m Reading, Parties I’m Planning

Monday morning, I received the following email-

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Cue my sad face. (Also, I didn’t realize Daily Mile sent these kinds of emails.) I’ve spent two weeks in the boot, and while I am doing some exercise (abs and arms, arms and abs. wash, rinse, repeat.), I’m still supposed to be resting my lower body.

Yesterday, I received this email:

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I’m excited to try a new arm workout! Good job, Tuesday. I think you’re cute. (Those Tone It Up girls are super duper cute, aren’t they?)

The nice thing about doing a lot of arm exercises are my biceps. It’s always tank top season here so nice biceps are a-okay with me. Plus, my friends leave comments on my instagram pics praising “Dem guns!” and that makes me giggle.

But really, I’m mostly resting. A fun thing about resting is that I have a lot of time to read.

Last week, I finished this-

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And it made me want to read more art caper/historical/love stories so if you have any recommendations in that mishmash of themes and genres, please pass me a note during study hall.

I’m still reading this-

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And today I bought this book, which I’ve been waiting for since December. (Note to book bloggers- please don’t review books and say they’re a STAY UP ALL NIGHT MUST READ OMG if said book isn’t released until six months from now. Thanks.)

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Another fun thing about resting is that I can’t do chores. Really! I walk so much during the day that I’m supposed to sit at night. Can’t do dishes. It’s very difficult to fold laundry when one leg is elevated. True facts, my friends. So, I’m also watching TV. I haven’t done that (besides the news and Rachel Maddow) since the second season of Glee. J and I have one more episode in season one of House of Cards and then we get to watch all of season two. What should we watch next?

I’m also doing some planning for my middle girl’s birthday party. We’re having a “messy party” which is an appropriate theme for a five year old, or a frat house. It’s so diverse!

Some party crafting.

Some party crafting.

Some things we’ve experimented with so far-

– a shaving cream slide
-several variations of homemade slime (I still can’t get this right)
-squirt gun painting
-silly string war

It’s going to be cray cray (my six year old used this in a sentence last week and then informed me that it meant “crazy.” I think she thinks I’m old.).

Happy Wednesday! What are you reading and watching? Let’s share.

Mother’s Day Gifts for the Mother Runner

I love a good gift list. How else will I know what to buy unless someone on the internet tells me so? I kid, I kid. But I do love a gift list and I love Mother’s Day because it’s an opportunity for me to sleep in and demand brunch and get a pedicure- it’s pretty much the only day I can be somewhat selfish. (I say “somewhat” because I usually end up doing at least one load of laundry. Laundry is my life.) It’s a day for family, because I love my kids and husband the most, and without them, I wouldn’t be a mom. It’s a day when I give extra love to my mom and my mother-in-law, both of whom are wonderful moms and friends (and live close enough to babysit their grandchildren). It’s a day when I feel grateful for my mommy friends, for all the advice and support and laughs they’ve given to me on this crazy journey called motherhood.

Moms! My mil, my mom and me at a football game last fall.

Moms! My mil, my mom and me at a football game last fall.

I’m lucky to have some mommy friends who are also runners- both near and far. My first mommy friend is also my best running buddy and it’s only been two weeks since our last long run together, but if I have to be in the boot for a long time, I’m considering pulling a chair up to her treadmill so we can chat while she runs.

Sara and I with our little babes. And Santa. (this is the earliest pic I have of us moms with the girls.)

Sara and I with our little babes. And Santa. (this is the earliest pic I have of us with the girls.)

This gift list is for the mother runners and the runners and the moms who like to wear running clothes to do school drop off in the morning. I actually have some of this stuff already- I love love love it all. (those socks! I went to buy them last fall and they were sold out. So glad Pro Compression brought them back.)

Mother Runner Mother's Day

And this list is for my husband, who always reads my posts. (And you can’t be that surprised by the faux birks. I’m already sporting overalls. All I need is for Chick Jess to make the perfect 90s playlist.)

Mother's Day- Spring and Summer Fun

Happy Monday, my friends! And an early Happy Mother’s Day wish to all the moms, mommies-to-be, and mothers-at-heart.

Tell me how awesome your mom or mother-in-law is. Or how wonderful you are, mama. (Because you are! And really pretty too.)

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things…

Girls in Oiselle tanks and white satin sashes,
Taffy that sticks to my teeth, not eyelashes (because that would be weird),
Frigid cold air that does not feel like Spring,
These are a few of my favorite things!

(Okay, not the weather. Florida native here. I had a minor freakout last Sunday morning when Mer told me it was 28 degrees on the boardwalk in Atlantic City.)

It was a wonderful weekend of running and even more laughter, and now I’m home to my most favorite people and a mountain of laundry to fold. (Not a favorite, if you are taking notes.)

Since the AC half was already covered by Mer and Vic, I only want to tell you a tiny bit about my experience, and also share some other things I’m loving right this second:

First, the AC half. I know you are Meridith’s, but if she were willing to share you, we could be sister-wives. (Did I just imply that Mer is married to a race? I guess I did. I’m really tired, you guys.) I only ran once last week because of my shin pain, so I think rest, plus KT Tape, plus the oh-so-forgiving boardwalk helped me achieve a pretty sweet time for this race- I finished in 2 hours, 7 seconds, which is 11 minutes faster than my Princess 2014 time. (Still not a PR for me, blah blah blah. I get so tired of saying that. I get so tired of thinking it. But we runners love to focus on the numbers. Anyway, now that I’m thatclose to a sub-2, I am more than confident that a personal best will happen this fall.) Of course, if I hadn’t been texting my friends while running, I probably could’ve shaved off 8 seconds- but, no regrets.

The best part of this race was seeing our dear friend Anne finish her first half-marathon. The thing about a half-marathon, and running in general, really, is that no one can help you do it. You have to put in the time. You have to do the work. But when you finish? The accomplishment is all yours. Seeing a friend triumph like this is so powerful; for me, it feels as good as it does when I achieve my own goals. I’m lucky to have been there when a few friends crossed that half-marathon finish line for the first time, and the emotional impact hasn’t diminished. I guess I’m a marshmallow. Congrats, Anne!

While in NJ, we went to Target. As one does. Vic and I found these super cheap hoodies on clearance in the men’s section. This kept me so warm, post-race. Bonus- we were matchies.

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I love makeup. A lot. My favorite fun thing right now is this blue mascara from Butter London. I think there are a few other colors- I know there is purple and I’m definitely planning to buy that one. With this, I do a neutral face, and then coat my lashes in blue. It’s very noticeable in the sun and less so indoors and I just love it.

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How excited am I that OVERALLS are in style? Well, I’ll be honest. I’ve been waiting for this moment since 1999. Last Spring, I bought some short-alls because it was way too hot for long ones, but these Madewell overalls made their way into my closet recently and they are the best. More tapered than your 90s overall and I think you are supposed to wear them with cute flats or heels or booties and not birkenstocks (but those are back too, and you can’t see me right now but I’m wearing my EXCITED FACE.)

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I just finished taking another class on Conscious Discipline at my church and I cannot say enough good things about it. We’ve been working on implementing CD in our home for the past few years and it has helped all of us. Without getting too much into it, because this is a running blog, not a parenting blog, and I’m certainly not an expert- CD teaches emotional and social intelligence. You can read more here and here.

This book has finger plays, songs and games to increase your connection to your child- and their connections with each other. I’ve taught the girls a few things that they now do regularly with their brother and us, and we’ve also developed a goodbye ritual that the girls enjoy.

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One more book- The girls and I are currently reading Ramona the Brave. Last summer, we read the first two books in the series, in which Ramona is in preschool and then kindergarten, and now that my oldest will be a first grader soon, we decided to start the next book. I LOVE RAMONA. She’s so sassy and misunderstood and delightful. We still laugh about her singing the “dawnzer” song in kindergarten…you know, the dawnzer lee light.

BABIES. I’ve had more than a few friends have babies recently- three of them in the past three days! My instagram and Facebook feeds are filled with sweet, squishy newborn faces. Thank you, new mamas, for sharing your babies with me. I love seeing them!

Lastly, I love that I’m going to see my chicks in less than three weeks. DC, here we come! I hope you have enough cheese.

Talky! Do you text during races? How do I break myself of this habit? Best thing you’ve bought at Target recently? Overalls are amazing, right? What are you reading? By the way, The Sound of Music is always on my list of favorite things.

Mother Runner Giveaway Winner and Spring Break Fun

Hey runner friends! Last week, I told you about the Mother Runner event in Orlando, and how I purchased some pretty sweet goodies for one of you. This morning, I picked a winner-

Congrats to Nicole, who won via Facebook entry! Check your email, Nicole, so I can send you your prize! Thank you to all who entered.

It’s Spring Break here in the Babbles house and our days have been packed with fun, fun, and more fun. This mother runner is very tired, but I adore having all of my babes at home with me. Here are some of the things we’re enjoying this week:

The Disney Infinity game. We all have our favorites, and Rapunzel is mine. (Shocking.)
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Movie Mornings in our pajamas. We don’t watch tv during the school week, so the opportunity to watch tv while eating breakfast is a welcome change for these littles. (Did Disney pick a good week for the Frozen dvd release or what?)

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Speaking of Frozen, of course we picked up our dvd yesterday! We stood in a pretty long line at the Disney Store, where I also bought this adorable coffee mug-

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The bowling alley and arcade, and time with their Uncle and soon-to-be Aunt. These girls love air hockey!

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These crayons. My older girl and I sat for over an hour and colored with them. The glide on the paper like an oil pastel, and then once you brush with water, you get the watercolor effect AND they sparkle brighter than Edward Cullen.

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I also love that nail polish (Deborah Lippmann She Bop) and the treadmill, because that’s the only way I’m getting to run this week. One thing we don’t love is sleeping in. The kids are all still a little off from the time change. Or they’re just early morning people like their mother.

Anyway- Happy Spring Break if you’re on one, and Happy Wednesday if you aren’t. Time to go pack lunches for today’s outing.

Any Disney Infinity players out there? Favorite Frozen character? Favorite arcade game? Favorite Spring Break activity? Talky!

A Bunch Of Random Things, With Pictures

I wanted to tell you all about the two yoga classes that my fit friends and I hit this month (Take that, Fit Club Fail!) (Spoiler: Neither one was Bikram.) but I am just crazy busy this week. Instead, I present to you some things I am doing and loving and thinking about right this second, along with some pictures. In other words, a completely self-indulgent blog post.

First- this arrived at my house yesterday.

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We visited the tasting room for Thumbprint Cellars on our 5th anniversary trip to California a few years ago, and this Christmas, J gifted me with a membership to their wine club. This is chardonnay, and they even sent a bar of chocolate. It’s like they know me.

Second- it is Girl Scout cookie time and I am eating all the cookies. My friend sent me one of those cat meme pictures that says “ATE 4 BOXES OF THIN MINTS. NOT FEELING VERY THIN.” That cat is my soul sister, you guys. I mean, really- could those cookies be any more delicious? And the scouts are just too cute to deny-

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Alright, so that is my adorable kid. (You may think she is channeling Vanna White here at our cookie booth, but that is really her Elsa pose. She does it for all photos these days. Don’t you want to build a snowman? And buy some cookies?) I’m her troop leader, so I really can’t say no, but next year I am buying two boxes and donating the rest to the military. Remind me, okay?

Our council is one of the test councils for the Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread and I bought a bag for one of you! I’ll be posting a giveaway for that soon.

Third- A Fresh Market opened in my city and it’s a Very Big Deal. I popped in last week to check it out and took home this bag of popcorn-

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Which might taste better than Boom Chicka Pop. LE GASP. But really. Black pepper! It’s delightful. (It has an odd smell though, which I can’t figure out because the ingredients are normal, non-chemical-y things. But still. Tasty. Just don’t stick your nose in the bag. Which would be a weird thing to do anyway.)

In non-food related things that I love this week, my daughters are now proud owners of Nike sneakers.

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They’re very excited to be “matchies” with me, and now beg every day to go for a run. I know I gave birth to them, so I have to think they’re adorable, but really. SO ADORABLE.

More on the topic of running- Tonight, I get to hang out with THE MOTHER RUNNERS. Well, not “hang out” so much as listen to them talk about running at a local fitness store. But yay! I love their books and the way they inspire women, and well, I’m also looking forward to the swag bag.

And finally, this weekend is the Glass Slipper Challenge! Sara and I are working on our matching costumes (we’ll be dressed up as the same character that our daughters did for Halloween this year. That’s all I’m sharing for now.), and I’m making plans to see Vic and Heather. There will be lots of squeeing, hugging, merriment and pictures of it all.

I’ve been doing my long runs with my friends, Sara and Dorothy, and this weekend will be Dorothy’s first half marathon and Sara will most likely PR in both races. Even though I won’t be setting any personal records, I’m really excited to see my friends reach their goals. As much as running is a solo sport, it can also have the feel of being on a team. We’ve all worked hard, and we’ve done it together. On Sunday, I’ll be as happy for them as I would be if it were my own personal victory.

On a completely superficial note, I cannot wait to have that shoe medal. Because SHOES.

So…favorite wine? Favorite Girl Scout cookies? Favorite expensive health food store snacks? Talk to me! Who is running Disney this weekend?

Oh Kiddo, My Kiddo

Nine years ago tomorrow, at 9:49 in the morning, I became a mom.


Since then I’ve learned what it is to be a parent and it’s a continual learning process. The role of a parent isn’t the same as mom, which might surprise some, while others might be nodding their head in agreement. I’m always a mom. But I bring out the parent hat in teachable moments, when I need to guide and lead my children.

Recently (and here’s where it gets really cool) Pooks and I have been establishing our friendship. Now, the roles of mom and parent always supersede the role as friend, but we are growing into this new found part of our relationship.

It’s freaking awesome!

Going into our 9th year of being us, there are things that we enjoy doing together that are ours.


He recently read a book that he loved and then suggested that I read it because he knew I would love it, too. The love of reading is something I shared with my mom and it’s so cool to see this continue on to the next generation.

Furthermore, he’s more in tune with me in an emotional sense. When our dog got sick and my husband was at the vet with him, Pooks was there with me when I got the call from Jay that Jack wasn’t going to be coming home with him. To have him with me in that vulnerable moment, when I couldn’t put on the mom or parent hat, and just needed to have him as my friend was invaluable. He’s starting to see me as a person. For so long, I think it was really easy to only relate to each other as our given roles in a family; now it’s more than that.


In honor of Valentine’s Day coming up, I’ve been decorating my family members doors with hearts and reasons why I love them. There are currently nine Valentine’s on Pooks’ door.

1. I love you because you are musical and want to learn more.

2. I love you because there are so many things you want to do and explore.


3. I love you because you are Principal of the Day.

4. I love you because you always ask if I am okay if I’ve been sad or upset.

5. I love you because you’re a good big brother.


6. I love you because you sing in the shower.

7. I love you because you are ridiculous!

8. I love you because you care about animals.

9. I love you because you are a great kid.

Here’s to my son, my friend, my nine year old.

These Are a Few of My Favorite Shoes

I enjoy crafting and creating. One of my favorite things to volunteer for at my daughter’s preschool is decorating the classroom door. I typically choose to do something detailed. Something hand-drawn with a lot of writing and cutting. Something that forces me to use many curse words. It’s all worth it in the end though- my daughter is proud and happy, and I get a little flutter of smug mommy feelings when I drop her off at school each day. Last April, I made a Lorax-themed door.

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This year, I chose February. I knew I wanted to do another book; a popular book that the kids enjoyed, and I wanted it to tie in with Valentine’s Day.

Enter Pete the Cat. Pete loves his white shoes. They change colors but does Pete care? Goodness no! “It’s all good,” says Pete.

We’re big Pete fans in our house- those books and anything by Mo Willems are a must-read- and when I emailed my girl’s teacher to ask for some help, she was pretty excited about a Pete door.

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Like Pete, I’m also a fan of white shoes. Well, no. Not white shoes, per se. I don’t think I’ve owned any white shoes since my sorority days. But shoes? Yes. I love those. It may sound cliche (A girl who likes shoes? No way.) but my email is shoe-related and so is my voice mail message. My birthday and Christmas gifts are usually shoes. It’s all very Carrie Bradshaw.

Sharing is caring, my friends, and today, I’m going to share some of my favorite shoes with you.

First, my running shoes- the Nike Pegasus. I’m basically married to these shoes. I can’t tell you if they are low to the ground, or have a lot of padding, if they are snug or have lots of room. I have nothing to compare them to, because they’re the only shoes I’ve run in for the past four years. I love them. They come in so many beautiful colors (right now I’m sporting an ombre purple pair) and they just feel good to me.


This next pair just makes me happy. Who doesn’t smile at Hello Kitty? As my girls and I like to say, “What will they put her cute face on next?”

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These shoes are stylish and functional. They’re rain flats! Florida is way too hot for Hunter boots- trust me, I have some and I’ve worn them twice. I keep these babies in the car during rainy season and I get so many compliments on them.

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Going back to Carrie Bradshaw- there’s an arc in one of the seasons where Carrie goes to write for Vogue. She visits the accessories closet, finds a pair of Manolo Blahnik Mary Janes, and exclaims, “I thought these were an urban shoe myth!” They’re not so elusive now, but they’re still amazing. So beautiful and surprisingly comfortable. I got these a few years ago for my birthday and I love fall and winter because I get to wear them.

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I’m a girly girl. I love sparkle. These were another birthday gift and they’re perfect for holiday parties or New Year’s Eve.

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I only wore gold for a long time, and then only silver and now that gold is back in style, I mix metals. My wedding set is white gold, so I have no choice if I want to be on trend. My watch is rose gold, my arm party of bangles is usually gold, my favorite ballet flats are silver and my favorite sandals are gold. So I just go with the mixing. I bought these last summer and I love their femininity.

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Josh and I visit NYC a few times a year. He goes to work, I go to see shows, visit museums and shop. One of my best friends lives there, so I try to persuade her to skip out on work and join me for some retail therapy. We both bought these two years ago and I just adore them. They have a little kitten heel, so they’re very comfortable, and I will never be over the polka dot trend. They make me smile.


My next big shoe purchase will be a pair of red heels. My brother got engaged on Christmas Day and his fiancé wants her bridesmaids to wear red shoes. I’m already searching for the perfect pair.

What’s your favorite running shoe? Do you collect shoes? Share your faves with me!

Kid Tested, Mother Approved

There was a time in my life, not so very long ago, when I would have given anything to just have a “normal” body.  I never dreamed of the oh so coveted thigh gap or the pronounced cheek bones; I had sense enough to embrace my size 9 feet and my big bones.  I just didn’t want to be Extra Large.  Why couldn’t I just have one of those metabolisms that lets me eat what I want and maintain a healthy BMI? Judging myself by an index devised in the 1800’s is completely logical, right?  I abused my body and destroyed my self-esteem and it was a tremendous climb back to positive mental health.  When I became a parent, I made it my mission to make sure my children never travel this path.  I don’t ever want them to doubt their worth, not even for one second, because of some stupid standard society has dictated as beautiful or smart or acceptable.

My darling gems.

My darling gems.

My childhood was filled with running and climbing and hiding and seeking.  We built things out of wood and got splinters.  We played catch and picked stickers out of our socks.  We made mud pies and drank from the hose.  We ate carrots straight from the soil and apricots right off the tree. During all this time, I never once thought to worry about my metabolism or my BMI.    I was normal.  

Oh, how the times have changed. Chicken nuggets, computer games, cell phones, youtube, Minecraft…this is the new normal.  It’s normal for an 8 year old to have a cell phone.  It’s normal for kids to have McDonald’s for breakfast.  Normal has been redefined.  This new normal, combined with my daughter’s severe asthma, my son’s hyperactivity, and my history of ADD and depression, makes family exercise not only a priority, but an absolute necessity.

My poor girl after her latest asthma attack.

My poor girl after her latest asthma attack.

Getting my kids to turn off the tablet is no easy task, but explaining all my reasons to a five and eight year old would only cause confusion and/or possible scarring for life. We’ve tried many activities. Some result in constant whining and misery for all involved.  Others they beg to revisit week after week.  So, as dictated by my children, Sophia and Alex, here are our Top 5 Ways to Exercise.


#5 – Organized Sports

The gang was a bit divided on this one.  Sophie’s a big fan of cheerleading and gymnastics but we still haven’t found Alex’s sport yet.  I wasn’t keen on the idea of my daughter getting into cheer initially.  I’ll admit it, I’ve always thought cheerleading to be a bit vapid.  I just don’t understand why sports teams need young girls in short skirts smiling and shouting in unison whilst flashing their undies to everyone.  But Sophie likes it and the instructor promotes strength training and flexibility, making them do push-ups and yoga poses during their warm-up and cool-down.  I’m still coming to terms with it, but I’m trying to be open-minded.  It teaches commitment and responsibility to a team, which, unless Sophie plans on going underground, are great skills for the future.  It’s a little bit expensive, but I consider it an investment in developing essential life skills.

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#4 – Video Games

Yep, video games can be good for you!  Sophie loves the Wii Fit.  She likes the running and yoga the best.  Occasionally, we’ll bowl together or play tennis.  Alex enjoys to Xbox Kinect because he gets to pretend to use a lightsaber.  For the record, his actual response was “lightsaber fights”.  Also, you can pretend box.  This is great for relieving family tension.  My personal favorite is the dance game.  I don’t know what it’s called, but I’m perfect on the easy setting.  Video games give the illusion of gaming but it’s really good exercise.  Like when you blend carrots in with your spaghetti sauce.

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#3 – Hiking

My kids love nature and every couple weeks, we try to go on an adventure.  Sometimes it’s the local trail, Sycamore Canyon, where we scan for foxes and coyotes.  Or if we’re feeling more social, we head over to Mt. Rubidoux to climb our way to the cross at the very top.  We’ll venture over to University of Riverside’s Botanical Gardens or we might just walk to the park down the street.  Taking the time to enjoy the bits of nature in our concrete suburbia always turns into a learning experience.


#2 – Swimming

Living in Southern California is definitely a factor when it comes to this activity.  We can swim pretty much 9 months out of the year and when my  grandma belongs to the golf club down the street and can get us into the heated pool, the likelihood of us using said pool skyrockets.  I have two little fish.  They’ll swim anywhere, anytime: the beach, the pool, the front yard sprinklers, the fountain at Starbucks…if it’s even the least bit warm out, my kids are in their suits.  We spent this summer at a local water park and pool.  It was the best $120 I’ve ever spent.  Not only were they occupied all day during summer break, but they were exhausted when they got home.  Which means they slept well.  Which means I slept well.


#1 – Trampolines

By far, the activity that they beg and beg for is to go to Sky Zone.  Located in a warehouse, Sky Zone is a big room filled with trampolines.  You purchase time on the tramps and you just jump.  The first time we went, we purchased an hour and by the end of our time, we were pooped out.  There are different sizes and shapes, and some fully enclosed for dodge ball tournaments.  They have a pit of foam blocks that people can dive into, which my kids like the best.  I did it once but trying to climb out of the pit zapped my energy like no other.  They even offer a fitness class.  It’s stunning that something so easy as jumping on a trampoline can work your body so hard.  Trampolines are no joke.  


There you have it, Sophie and Alex’s Top 5 Ways to Exercise.  My children are fairly adamant that these activities will be loved by all your families and that you all try them.  (That was verbatim, btw).  Reject those unrealistic standards and normalize being unique.  Make family fitness the new normal.

runDisney’s Kids Races


If you read Scoot a Doot on the regular, you know that we surprised our kids with the trip to Disney. Well, the surprises just kept on coming throughout the week.

On Wednesday night I picked Aunt Victoria up at the airport, only to have her scare the living daylights out of them the following morning. Seriously, I wish I had video of her jumping out of the bed from under the covers and their reactions. I’m so mean. After their heart rates slowed, we surprised them with a breakfast at ‘Ohana.

And we also surprised them with the runDisney Kids Races on Saturday morning! Ever since the kids caught wind of mommy heading to Disney World and Disneyland for races, they wanted in on the action. I mean, duh, who wouldn’t?

While I was at packet pick up the previous day for the half, I also got their shirts and bibs. runDisney is really good about getting the whole family involved on race weekend, with Kids Races and 5ks (along with the longer races).  The Kids Races had Donald as their mascot, wrapped up in Christmas Lights – the boys were thrilled to see this! Little was signed up for the 200, while Pooks was in the 400 (one of his favorite distances during Track and Field).

kidsraces2Each of the kids bibs had a little tear off strip for us to collect the kids after their race if they were running alone. The plan was for me to run with Little and for Pooks to run alone with Jay stationed near the finish line to take pictures.

It was a nice plan. It didn’t exactly work out that way. More on why in a bit.


We got there with plenty of time to spare so the kids danced to the songs and limbered up before they went to their respective starting areas. The plan was for all the 100 heats to go, then the 200 heats, and then the 400s (I believe the mile and diaper dash were to follow). I walked Pooks over to the 400 starting line and found a nice family for him to hang out with, pointing out the volunteers in the purple shirts.

Little Dude and I headed to the 200 start area and waited as the 100 waves started going. Then, in the midst of the 100 heats… the 400 group began to round the track! I guess one of the kids misunderstood, there was a false start, and they all took off. Whoops!

Little and I both cheered for Pooks as he passed our area of the track.


He was pretty focused as he made his way to the finish line but there was a bit of a snafu as some of the little ones doing the 100 were still finishing their race. Jay snapped this picture of him just before he crossed the finish line.

The rest of the 100 heats still needed to go and Pooks got a little worried when he didn’t immediately see Jay after his race so he went up to a grown up who looked nice and asked if he could use their cell phone. He was wearing his Road ID with our phone numbers on it so he called Jay’s cell and told him where he was.


Of course, while Jay was off collecting Pooks, Little and I were running the 200. So, there aren’t any pictures of that! The logistics just weren’t in our favor but Little couldn’t have been happier. This was his first race ever and he had big plans. “Momma, we’re going to hold hands during the run. And go really, really fast! And then we’re going to cross the finish line and put our hands in the air and then I’ll get a medal!”

Naturally, that’s exactly what we did!

I think that they did a part two of the 400 but Pooks was content having done it once and being awarded his medal. Yup, my kids are all about the bling.


While we were walking toward the car I asked them their favorite part of the races. Pooks said, “Running!” and Little proclaimed, “Holding your hand!” (Insert the “awwwww” here!)

Once we got home their bibs immediately went up on their walls and their medals were hung right along side. They’re already asking when they get to run another race again. Mission accomplished!

U Can Finish 5 Miler and 2 Mile

Last Sunday, I skipped my long run in favor of running the U Can Finish 5 Miler & 2 mile with my friend and honorary Chick, Sara.

The race course is through the University of Central Florida campus and runners can choose to complete the five mile (as my guy did), the two mile or if you’re an overachiever like Sara and me (and you love collecting bling), you can run both races and earn a Distance Dare medal. Plus bragging rights.

I ran this race back in 2011, so I was familiar with the course. Most of it is on the streets through campus, which is nice because the runners can spread out. A small portion of each race is on narrower sidewalks in between buildings- this hits far enough in on the five mile that the crowds have thinned, so it isn’t a big deal. On the two, it’s a slightly annoying because you pretty much end up walking at certain points. Still, as UCF alums (Josh and Sara) and a fan by marriage (me), we were happy to be charging through Knights country.

Sara and I have been running together for about five months now, and at the beginning of September, I told her that I wanted help her run at a 9:30-9:35 pace for the race. This is faster than we usually run together, so we switched up our normal routine and met at the gym once a week to run at race pace. I knew we could do it, and I told her that I would stay with her no matter what (but we were SO reaching our goal. Maybe I’m a little bit bossy. It runs in the Chick family.)

We donned our (matching) gold and black outfits and met about 30 minutes before the race began. I hadn’t slept much the night before (little dude is still waking quite a bit) but having a clear goal energized me. The pumpkin spice coffee didn’t hurt either.

Ready to run!

Ready to run!

This was my first race since having the baby, and it felt so good to be out there again. To get up before sunrise, pin a bib on my shirt, hear all of the garmins beep before the race began, and run with a big group of people. Coincidentally, my last race (at the beginning of my pregnancy) was a 5k on the UCF campus, at which I ran with Sara’s husband.

The first three miles were great- my legs felt good and I talked Sara’s ear off about a variety of topics; including the appropriate age to wear an embroidered t-shirt, our daughters matching Halloween costumes (PNK sorority monsters), and tailgating plans for the upcoming football game.

It was harder to keep pace on the last two miles. Before the race, we agreed that I would keep time, so I set up the virtual pacer on my (purple) Garmin 10. It beeps if you’re ahead or behind pace, so I knew how we were faring. We slowed a bit, then sped up, and I tried to give my friend some words of encouragement and hoped I wasn’t irritating her. She has strong legs and a solid running foundation. She’s a marathoner! She just hadn’t ever trained to run faster. I really wanted to see her achieve this goal because I totally knew she could.

Passing the site of Spirit Splash. During homecoming week, students are invited to jump in this fountain.

Passing the site of Spirit Splash. During homecoming week, students are invited to jump in this fountain.

Passing Alphie on Greek Row. Sara and I are both Diamond Girls.

Passing Alphie on Greek Row. Sara and I are both diamond girls.

In the end, we crossed the finish line with an average pace of 9:31 (me) and 9:32 (Sara). We did it! I am so proud of her and I enjoyed every minute of racing together. She’s helped me stay motivated as I’ve gotten back into running shape- meeting me in the early morning or once our kids were in bed, so I didn’t have to do it on my own (because let’s face it- I’m one tired mama. If I didn’t have someone holding me accountable, I’m not sure I’d be half-marathon ready at this point.) I was happy to be able to give some motivation back to her.

Once we finished the five, we had some downtime before the two miler. I wanted to see Josh finish, so I started to walk back along the course. I spotted him about a quarter of a mile before the finish and jumped in to run alongside him for a tiny stretch- and give him some encouragement too. I’m less peppy cheerleader to him and a little more drill sergeant, but he sped up. Probably to get away from me, but hey, whatever works.

After J finished, we all met up with our families and had a quick snack. Race fuel has become a tricky business for me, because I recently got Invisalign invisible braces. (which are actually pretty visible, if you’re wondering.) The aligners have to be taken out if I want to eat, and then I’m supposed to brush and floss before putting them on again. For this race, I decided to drink some Gatorade between the two races and hoped that was enough for me.

We enjoyed our family time a bit too much and ended up dashing to the two mile start after it had begun. As a result, we ended up with the strollers, the walkers and the kids. It would have been fine (I stick to the outside of the pack anyway) except, as I mentioned before, a portion of this course is narrow. I don’t like running in a tight crowd, and Sara and I hadn’t agreed to run together for the two, so I took off on my own. I finished quickly, collected my medal and walked over to meet our families.

Family stretch!

Family stretch!

Next up was the kids dash, in which my two girls, and Sara’s daughter and son ran. They got t-shirts, ribbons and Rice Krispie treats once they finished. Happy runners, everyone.

"I ran as fast as I could, just like you told me to, Mommy." A, my oldest. Proud kids and proud mama here.

“I ran as fast as I could, just like you told me to, Mommy.” A, my oldest. Proud kids and proud mama here.

I’m glad to be racing again! This is a fun local race and I love that the entire family can participate.

Next up for me is Wine and Dine, and I think I’m going to do the OUC half shortly after that. Seems like I’ve been bitten by the racing bug again.

Speaking of wining and dining, here we are at a party last night. Don't we clean up nice?

Speaking of wining and dining, here we are at a party last night. Don’t we clean up nice?

Have you ever paced anyone for a race? Are you peppy or commanding? Any upcoming races? Talk to me in the comments!