Beyond Plogging – Next Level Climate Actions

Earth Day was earlier this week, and I think it’s safe to say that all runners share a love of our planet. If we didn’t like to be outside, we probably wouldn’t be runners. For some of us, running might be the only time we are able to get outside and connect with nature. Doesn’t matter if you’re on the pavement or a dirt trail, being outdoors is medicine for our tired souls.

Plogging has taken off, and we get it. Picking up litter on a run is something easy we can do, and we’re making an impact when we do it. By doing household stuff like reducing consumption, gardening, and decreasing our individual carbon emissions, for example, we collectively make a difference. We need to continue to do all we can to reduce our personal household carbon footprint. But the honest truth is, these actions won’t get us where we need to be.

Facing Facts

It is imperative our government act now with urgency and conviction. Instead, they have failed to craft, or adhere to, climate policies that protect our future. 72% of Americans think climate change is real. 73% say it’s important to them personally. 69% say they are worried about it. And I would guess that nearly 100% of us feel like we can’t make a significant difference in tackling this global crisis.

It’s like these guys are in charge.

But we can. We have to step up our game, though. Nearly three-quarters of us understand this is not a drill, and three-quarters of us is plenty to make a big impact. If we make an individual commitment to do some of the actions I’ve listed below, collectively we will change the conversation on climate change in our government. These next level actions do take effort and research, but if we expect our leaders to act with urgency, we must show them our demand for action is urgent, too, and fueled by fury and perseverance.

Hardcore Climate Actions

  1. Understand your Reps positions on climate issues and policy. If you don’t agree, tell them so.
  2. Let them know your position on climate issues and policy.
  3. Support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2018, learn how it works here
  4. Ask your Reps to support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2018
  5. Support the Climate Action Now Act
  6. Tell your reps to support the Climate Action Now Act (it’s being reviewed in the House this week or next).
  7. Don’t support candidates who take money from the fossil fuel industry
  8. Instead, support candidates who support science.
  9. Stay informed on your city and county’s environmental planning and policy meetings. Attend if possible, ask questions, tell your officials what you want them to do. Be Vocal.
  10. Stay informed on your state’s environmental planning and policy meetings. Attend if possible, ask questions, tell your officials what you want them to do. Be Vocal.

The talking heads are already predicting that climate change will be an important issue for the next election. Let’s make them understand just how much our votes depend on how well they address this critical issue. Get engaged. Get vocal. Be unladylike if needed. Now is your chance!


At my day job, I am a sustainability and corporate social responsibility coordinator with a background in business sustainability management.